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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 15, 2009
My father just finished up cleaning up our garage and he is going to be using it for an office. Not a work office though, but as a place for recreation where he can do some handyman stuff and some heavy thinking (he's a pro).

Therefor he needs a computer to write down his thoughts to, and to read articles, news - that sort of very light web usage.
He will not be even near using the full potential of the iMac, even at it's lowest tier. But as he said to me, maybe when he gets it he will explore new things and discover new ways to use the computer (he's 57, so I would not be surprised if he learned something new about computers as he didn't grow up with them), and if he does discover new things, then he don't want to be sorry that he got a low-end model that can't carry the task.

Right now he uses the thinkpad he got from work for everything, and it is important for him to "seperate work and pleasure" which is really the core of why hes getting a new computer.

The only tasks he REQUIRES it to do, is to read and write. Other than that he also wants to hook it up to some speakers and listen to some music.

Now, the deal is that he does not know which size to get: the 20' or 24'?
He says that he only needs to be able to see one page at a time, but I also know, from using my macbook, that you don't actually maximize windows on osx, so maybe the extra space would be good?

I would really like your advice :)
Thanks in advance.
How about Mac Mini and external non-Apple monitor? eg Samsung offers 24" monitors for 200$.

If he wants an iMac, tell him to get 24", the screen is amazing!
How about Mac Mini and external non-Apple monitor? eg Samsung offers 24" monitors for 200$.

If he wants an iMac, tell him to get 24", the screen is amazing!

I did, but he thinks it is too big. To me it is more a matter og getting used to it.

The other reason he wants an iMac, is because of the cable clutter - there is none, so only iMacs are possibilities.

Thanks for your reply, keep it coming folks :)
I did, but he thinks it is too big. To me it is more a matter og getting used to it.

The other reason he wants an iMac, is because of the cable clutter - there is none, so only iMacs are possibilities.

Thanks for your reply, keep it coming folks :)

It's huge for first few days but when your eyes get used to it it's incredible. Definitely 24"! 24" 2.8GHz refurbs are great option. More power for less
It's huge for first few days but when your eyes get used to it it's incredible. Definitely 24"! 24" 2.8GHz refurbs are great option. More power for less

One slight problem with refurbs: I cannot find the refurb page for us danes!
I really have no idea of how to navigate to it, I have only visited it on their UK site form a direct link in the past.

And thanks for the info on the screen, I am sure my father will be please to read that people agree with me :)
One slight problem with refurbs: I cannot find the refurb page for us danes!
I really have no idea of how to navigate to it, I have only visited it on their UK site form a direct link in the past.

And thanks for the info on the screen, I am sure my father will be please to read that people agree with me :)

You're from Denmark, right? Denmark's store doesn't have refurbs (same thing here in Finland). Do you have Apple stores in Denmark? Or premium resellers? Visit their sites or shops if one near you and look for 'em. We have plenty of shops still offering '08 models for 500€ less.
so basically your dad submits articles to encyclopedia dramatica. amirite?

He should get the 20" and you save up for a 24" for yourself.
Tempting, tempting indeed :)

You're from Denmark, right? Denmark's store doesn't have refurbs (same thing here in Finland). Do you have Apple stores in Denmark? Or premium resellers? Visit their sites or shops if one near you and look for 'em. We have plenty of shops still offering '08 models for 500€ less.
Thanks a lot for the advice. Right now we do not have a single apple store in Denmark - not one :(, so I guess I will have to make some calls around to local resellers and hear what they have to offer.
Even if he plans to look at only one page at a time, the 1200 pixels of vertical resolution of a standard 24" are very important.

So, if he thinks that is too big, your next best bet is to but a Mac mini and a 4:3 1600x1200 20" screen.
I would definitely go with the 24". It may seem big now but after a week or so you just see everything else as super small. If he's going to use it as much as I use mine, it is definitely worth the upgrade.
Like a previous poster said...

He should really consider a Mac Mini. The cable management is not bad at all considering you can have wireless keyboard, mouse and network. As far as the other cables, a little velcro tape makes it very neat.

I was considering getting an iMac (24" model) for a long time. Kept waiting and waiting. Once the new Mini's came out, it was a no brainer.

For around $1000USD, I got a new 2GHz Intel Core Duo, 4GB RAM, 320GB HD and a Samsung 22" flat screen monitor. 22" is more than enough desktop space especially if you use the Spaces feature. Considering the relatively light computer usage, I'd recommend saving your cash.
bigger is better

I'm to the point where I increase the size of much of what I do so that it is easier to read, and I use spaces so that each program has the full screen. The larger of the two iMacs or a large monitor with a mini would be preferable.

People who buy small often wish they had gone big. People who buy big never seem to wish they had gone small.

The all-in-one 24" iMac sounds perfect for your father.

For around $1000USD, I got a new 2GHz Intel Core Duo, 4GB RAM, 320GB HD and a Samsung 22" flat screen monitor. 22" is more than enough desktop space especially if you use the Spaces feature. Considering the relatively light computer usage, I'd recommend saving your cash.

It's better a 4:3 20" monitor than a 22" widescreen.

But the consuming masses buy widescreen, so 4:3 is more expensive.
I got a quote for a 20 inch after deciding that the 24 would be too big but at the last minute went for the 24, which arrived last week. The screen was "too big" for about 5 minutes, now I'm soooo glad I went for it.

Also, bear in mind that because its widescreen the 20 inch actually doesn't have that tall a screen area compared to your 'standard' 19 or 20 inch 4:3 screen, so the 24 helps there as well. Plus it comes with more RAM and disc as standard.

If budget is not an issue, go for the 24.
Like a previous poster said...

He should really consider a Mac Mini. The cable management is not bad at all considering you can have wireless keyboard, mouse and network. As far as the other cables, a little velcro tape makes it very neat.

I was considering getting an iMac (24" model) for a long time. Kept waiting and waiting. Once the new Mini's came out, it was a no brainer.

For around $1000USD, I got a new 2GHz Intel Core Duo, 4GB RAM, 320GB HD and a Samsung 22" flat screen monitor. 22" is more than enough desktop space especially if you use the Spaces feature. Considering the relatively light computer usage, I'd recommend saving your cash.
This is also a concern of value. The mini would cost us 4.400 DKK and the lowest tier iMac would cost 8.000 DKK.
Thats a very small diffrence considering you get:
2.66 GHz vs 2.0 GHz
320GB vs 120GB
2GB ram vs 1 GB ram
and last but not least, the screen, keyboard and mouse which you only get with the iMac.

After taking this in mind the mini looks like a ripoff.

What's your dad's eyesight like? As I'm getting older (45 today!), I am straining more and more at my MacBook's screen.
He has good eyesight but wears glasses when he reads.

If budget is not an issue, go for the 24.
For once in this case, budget is not an issue. We are of course not throwing money away, but we are looking long term.
Rather pay those 500$ extra and then get the very best solution.
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