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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 6, 2009
I couldn't wait for the 3G + GPS and also decided I didnt need it... plus i could probably switch for the 3G whenever it came out. The money was burning a hole in my pocket.

Just drove 2 hours and out of stock! FML
You have no reason to be upset at Best Buy when they have a very useful web feature that allows you to check store stock. I see no reason why I'd ever leave the house to get an iPad at BB without checking that first. :rolleyes:
You have no reason to be upset at Best Buy when they have a very useful web feature that allows you to check store stock. I see no reason why I'd ever leave the house to get an iPad at BB without checking that first. :rolleyes:

Especially if the store is 2 hours away LOL!
You have no reason to be upset at Best Buy when they have a very useful web feature that allows you to check store stock. I see no reason why I'd ever leave the house to get an iPad at BB without checking that first. :rolleyes:

Actually I just came back from a bestbuy and the store manager told me that the ipads they receive come to their store and they are pretty much unwitting to their arrival? what does this mean for us, the check store function does not work for the ipad!
You must live in the middle of nowhere if the nearest Best Buy is 2 hours away! Or you must live in LA with traffic.
You must live in the middle of nowhere if the nearest Best Buy is 2 hours away! Or you must live in LA with traffic.

I am between two best buys. One is 2 hours away the other is 2 hours away.

Its more like 1 hour 30 min but I just wanted it to sound more dramatic.

1.5 hours is a short drive to me, I was just complaining that they were out of stock in general.
You have no reason to be upset at Best Buy when they have a very useful web feature that allows you to check store stock. I see no reason why I'd ever leave the house to get an iPad at BB without checking that first. :rolleyes:

Rational thought has no place here!! Please move along. :D
Yep could of called but didn't really think about these selling out. I know of too many places with them in stock.
#1 There is no check stock feature for the iPads on

You have no reason to be upset at Best Buy when they have a very useful web feature that allows you to check store stock. I see no reason why I'd ever leave the house to get an iPad at BB without checking that first. :rolleyes:

I have been burned several times with their in stock checker. The web site shows something as in stock and after driving to the store (which is like 5 minutes away from my house so it's not a big deal), their inventory system was wrong and there was no product in stock.
Actually I just came back from a bestbuy and the store manager told me that the ipads they receive come to their store and they are pretty much unwitting to their arrival? what does this mean for us, the check store function does not work for the ipad!

That's total ********. This is simple inventory. You get a box, open it, inventory it, and the big computers in the sky all speak to one another. Joe-2-hour-away goes online and checks stock.

Apple needs this function as well but for some reason they haven't bothered.
I couldn't wait for the 3G + GPS and also decided I didnt need it... plus i could probably switch for the 3G whenever it came out. The money was burning a hole in my pocket.

Just drove 2 hours and out of stock! FML

Wait for the 3G!!

i just searched ipad on bestbuy and it just come up with the big ipad advertisement. i just assumed they didnt have the sku in their website yet.

I wasn't really mad anyways I just made this thread for s & g's. I don't care to drive.

and IDK. I don't think I need the 3G and def not the GPS. A dedicated unit would be better for GPS me thinks... and I don't see myself using internet on the ipad anywhere away from home or school
Best Buy's inventory levels aren't always accurate. I've ran into several instances where I wanted to purchase something in-store only to find out it was out-of-stock. Even though their inventory system showed stock. What usually happens is that the demo unit(s) are counted against the stock level. So while their inventory system may show several units their actual level may be 0.
I would call and if it is in stock have them pull one and put your name on it with a CC# to hold it, then drive like crazy, doing the speed limit of course, to go pick it up.
Well I would Like to say that the Orange location had gotten a shipment and I am now typing on a 32 gb iPad!!!!

This paired with my Air Express router I am in heaven. Fast wi fi. Love it.

Thank you Best Buy!
Best Buy's inventory levels aren't always accurate. I've ran into several instances where I wanted to purchase something in-store only to find out it was out-of-stock. Even though their inventory system showed stock. What usually happens is that the demo unit(s) are counted against the stock level. So while their inventory system may show several units their actual level may be 0.

I agree... Happened to me couple of times already...
Best Buy's inventory levels aren't always accurate. I've ran into several instances where I wanted to purchase something in-store only to find out it was out-of-stock. Even though their inventory system showed stock. What usually happens is that the demo unit(s) are counted against the stock level. So while their inventory system may show several units their actual level may be 0.

Yeah, they're not. I kept checking their site today and it said they didn't have any. I called them earlier tonight aNd they said they had 7 of each model in stock. Now my wife has one!
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