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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 14, 2005
Oh god help the bank balance. I can't help looking at MacBooks and MacBook Pros at the Apple Store online.

This is stupid. None of the big software apps that I use regularly are Universal yet (Quark and PS CS2), there's numerous quality issues, updates to the MBP are probably round the corner (potentially including a whole new design) and I would have to take a hit on my last revision 15" PowerBook as a trade in because it's not got any warranty due to a small dent (although there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way it works - which is another reason why I should keep it).

*catches breath*

So why the hell do I keep wanting a new MB/MBP?!

Somebody please try to avert the techno-lust I'm feeling :eek:
AlBDamned said:
Oh god help the bank balance. I can't help looking at MacBooks and MacBook Pros at the Apple Store online.

This is stupid. None of the big software apps that I use regularly are Universal yet (Quark and PS CS2), there's numerous quality issues, updates to the MBP are probably round the corner (potentially including a whole new design) and I would have to take a hit on my last revision 15" PowerBook as a trade in because it's not got any warranty due to a small dent (although there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way it works - which is another reason why I should keep it).

*catches breath*

So why the hell do I keep wanting a new MB/MBP?!

Somebody please try to avert the techno-lust I'm feeling :eek:

Hey, I haven't owned a mac yet, but many of my friends do. Given all the Quality issues, and the emerging problems when using WIN apps, I will buy another WINdoof machine, and wait for the Merom, 8ooMHz frontside bus, and maybe a revised design... Have been dealing with WINdoof problems for so long, a year won't make any diff to me. Let me add that I never had any hardware problems with my well seasoned TOSHIBA and IMB laptops. Both are working and working. Got the software problems under control. Take care now (and wait) patiently for APPLE to get their act together, which they have to if they want to draw more WINmachine users.

I gave up my 12" Powerbook for a 2Ghz MacBook and added a 100GB HDD and 2GB ram. My non-universal apps were Corel Painter IX and Macromedia Studio 8, but hey no problems both are dual system so I installed XP Pro via Bootcamp and run them natively there. Easy!

As for PS CS2 well I'm using it under Rosetta and although not as responsive as it would be natively I'll just have to live with it until mid next year when Adobe get it together and release CS3 (and I wasn't waiting until then to get an Intel Mac).
AlBDamned said:
Oh god help the bank balance. I can't help looking at MacBooks and MacBook Pros at the Apple Store online.

This is stupid. None of the big software apps that I use regularly are Universal yet (Quark and PS CS2), there's numerous quality issues, updates to the MBP are probably round the corner (potentially including a whole new design) and I would have to take a hit on my last revision 15" PowerBook as a trade in because it's not got any warranty due to a small dent (although there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way it works - which is another reason why I should keep it).

*catches breath*

So why the hell do I keep wanting a new MB/MBP?!

Somebody please try to avert the techno-lust I'm feeling :eek:

Life is too short to stress over these things! I suggest taking a visit to and buy one of each. :D
DeVizardofOZ, my god choose a smaller font. that hurt.

I'm going for an MBP the minute my student loan hits my bank account in September. I just NEED one, I've managed to survive two months since selling my PowerBook and now really need it for Final Cut Studio.

If you don't actually need it, can you not resist?

Oh, and by the way, I sold my FW800 15" PBG4 - in May, for £550 (just over $1000 at the time), and the guy had seen me with it for a while (he sort of knows me). He'd seen me drop it, pour Coke through it (seriously linky), and a multitude more. It was dented and scratched and the case was warped, but I still got a decent bit of cash for it!

Don't despare if all you have is one measily dent. ;)
I was just about set to get a Macbook Pro 17 and have now seen they may well be releasing new version imminently. Has made me sit back and think a bit more about it but I am still soendung ages on mac sites and looking at the apple store longingly.

Currently havent got a mac ( a G3 in the attic somewhere) so one of the biggest draws for me is moving across to OSX.

If I can get my dad to agree to buy my Vaio then I will prob take the leap asap (although will miss 1920x1200 resolution and the dual lamp xblack screen).
Apple seems to have this effect on people. As soon as a new product is released, the lust factor seems to overwhelm some people. They buy the computer, even if they have the previous revision of the same computer.
As always, if you need, get it. If you don't, and can live on your powerbook for a while longer, wait. If i were you, i would wait. But i have my own MB :p
Scarlet Fever said:
Apple seems to have this effect on people. As soon as a new product is released, the lust factor seems to overwhelm some people. They buy the computer, even if they have the previous revision of the same computer.

Listen to you with your brand new macbook and U2 iPod video ;)

It's not so much that I need it. In fact for what I do work-wise on it, a MB/MBP would probably be a small step backwards.

I don't know what it is. I just keep wanting one! In all honesty it would be a MBP. Probs the 2.16GHZ 15" (bugger - I've even decided which model I'd go for...).

I really like the idea of the iSight, the magsafe (cool - someone finally made use of the tech behind electric toothbrush chargers!), the brighter screen, the slightly thinner case. Even the new packaging :)rolleyes: )...

I know I'll be able to hold out till WWDC. But if there's a new design announced it might be all over for PeeBee.
AlBDamned said:
So why the hell do I keep wanting a new MB/MBP?!

Somebody please try to avert the techno-lust I'm feeling :eek:

Wait til after WWDC just in case.

Can't do much else to stop the techno-lust since I know I feel it too. It's constantly hitting myself over the head and remembering that I can still do everything I need to do on my Powerbook... and that when I really 'need' something else, it will be even faster... that's stopped me so far. Although it was very tough the other day in John Lewis where they had the souped-up MB on sale and in stock and my discount card was calling me!
And the Apple technolust doesn't go away with age. I'm 60 now and with every new product I sit staring at my filled basket with a twitchy finger dying to click on the order button, but, to the relief of my credit card, I usually come to my senses.

This even happens with things I don't really want or need. For instance, when the Nano came out, I had to shut down my computer and walk away from it or I would have succumbed. Me, who hardly ever listens to music, (after 30 years living in a house full of kids, I value silence above anything else), and who can't physically tolerate any type of earphone. Luckily 4 of my kids have different ipods so I can play with theirs' occasionally when they're around.

Right now, I'm trying to wait til either the next revision of iMacs or the release of the Mac Pro to upgrade, when hopefully the apps I mainly use will be universal.

Aside from my Mac lust, I am the most totally non-consumerist person you could meet. About the only other things I spend money on, aside from really, really basic essentials, are presents for the grand-kids, and I'm looking forward to when they're a bit older. Guess where the presents will be coming from?
I think you're nuts personally. I'm in the same boat. I have a 15" powerbook that runs CS constantly, but I have no temptation to switch right now. Yes, the new machines are sweet looking, but between people cooking themselves by touching their computer, computers that are threatening to morph into various animals, and what appears to be an epidemic of QC issues, I'm more than happy to wait. Add to that the rumors of a new form factor and the impending introduction of Merom, and the deal is sealed.

I'm hoping to upgrade in 6-9 months when I can get Leopard, CS3, and hopefully a Merom machine with as few bugs as possible.
DeVizardofOZ said:
Hey, I haven't owned a mac yet, but many of my friends do. Given all the Quality issues, and the emerging problems when using WIN apps, I will buy another WINdoof machine, and wait for the Merom, 8ooMHz frontside bus, and maybe a revised design... Have been dealing with WINdoof problems for so long, a year won't make any diff to me. Let me add that I never had any hardware problems with my well seasoned TOSHIBA and IMB laptops. Both are working and working. Got the software problems under control. Take care now (and wait) patiently for APPLE to get their act together, which they have to if they want to draw more WINmachine users.


Keep waiting.

If the Powerbook G4 is any indication, later revisions is no gurantee that Apple will produce quality hardware. What I experienced on my Powerbook G4 Rev E (the very last PBG4 produced!)

1) From time to time the lower screen would flicker, just blank out and come back again.
2) Sound issues, can't remember what exactly now, but there was something about the sound that annoyed me to no end.
3) Lineey line screens, which to date they still refused to acknowledge and remedy.

Since Apple is always putting in new "innovations" into their machines, every Rev is strictly speaking, a Rev A. Sure some older issues might get resolved, but who is to say new ones won't appear?

Apple might as well just publish a chart and hand it out to prospective buyers so they can just refer to the charts and buy the Revs with the "issue set" that they find the least irritating.
I'm waiting until December to buy a MBP. Then it's like getting an extra-huge Christmas present. ;) Hopefully the case will have been reworked and a few bugs will have been worked out by then. If I can't wait until December, then at least till November, and I'll give myself an extra-huge birthday present. :D
munckee said:
I think you're nuts personally. I'm in the same boat. I have a 15" powerbook that runs CS constantly, but I have no temptation to switch right now. Yes, the new machines are sweet looking, but between people cooking themselves by touching their computer, computers that are threatening to morph into various animals, and what appears to be an epidemic of QC issues, I'm more than happy to wait. Add to that the rumors of a new form factor and the impending introduction of Merom, and the deal is sealed.

I'm hoping to upgrade in 6-9 months when I can get Leopard, CS3, and hopefully a Merom machine with as few bugs as possible.

Now that's the sort of calming reason I'm after!

iGary said:
I usually just buy it when this happens. So much easier.

If I adopted this thinking Gary, I'd be bankrupt in seconds!
iGary said:
I usually just buy it when this happens. So much easier. :D

I like the way you think! :D

But to the OP, I would wait. in my experience, the current apple laptops have too many buggy things about them. Wait a little while for the bugs to get worked out and you'll end up much happier.
yeah totally agree.. Im a pc user who has been sucked in by the new black Macbook.

But I am definitely waiting for the Merom version of the Macbook with hopefully a new intergrated graphics chip. A lot of people on forums have said that they think Apple won't upgrade the Macbook with Merom at the same time as Macbook Pro. To me that doesn't make sense unless Macbook Pro comes with a smaller 13" version to fill in Apple's gap of not having a small up to date laptop. I think this is unlikely and instead they will make Macbook up to date ASAP. Now that Apple has Intel inside it HAS to upgrade its machines when everyone else does.

Mmmmm black Macbook.. so good
When I saw the title of this thread, it caught my eye. I am feeling the exactly same way. Even though I am not too thrilled with many posts on the problems (which may be derived from the fundamental design of the machine, not just from a mismatched firmware and software issues), I keep reading MBC and MB threads.

I am looking for a justification (for myself) to buy a MBP or MB even though I have enough Macs at this time. I am weary about running MS Office 2004, CS2 and Macromedia MX2004 on Rosetta with MBP and MB; but, at the same time, I am interested in getting onboard with Intel Mac to get myself used to this set up as more UB apps pop out as months go by.

Maybe I should follow iGary's recommendation to buy this thing and get it over with this indecision. Maybe I can use MBP for 3D apps such as Cinema 4D and keep my PowerBooks for CS2/MX2004/Painter works.
Yeah, I understand the feeling of the OP. I want alot of things, but I rarely buy them. 'cuz I don't need them. I mean, here's an ex : Next year, I,m going to university and I need a laptop. I could make it simple and get a windows-based laptop for under 800 $ but geez... the macbook is so damn sexy that it's still an option, damnit.

Stridder44 said:
The Un-Funny Truth About Scientology
(Warning: Graphic images)

Damn, dude, that's scary
Thanks Strider44

Stridder44 said:
I know Im in the same boat. I want a MB badly but can't afford one.

Then again even if I could I would wait.

I watched the Unfunny Truth about Scientology. I knew that this cult was really bad...
After having been invited into their HAMBURG HQ. When will people like Tom Cruise, and other "stars" realize, that THEY are used to lure people into this TRAP.

Apart from that, I want a MBP too, but will have to be patient, until Mr. Jobs gets us VALUE for MONEY:mad:
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