I have a black speck under the glass of my new iMac 27", not sure if it's a dead pixel or a spec of dust. I can't stop staring at it should I take it back?![]()
If it's perfectly rectangular it's a dead pixel, - if not then it's dust, which you can remove with some suction cups and a can of compressed air.
You'd really consider asking for your money back because of a spec of dust?
It's dust but screw that I'm not using any suction cups, I'm taking it back tomorrow.
Now to decide if I'm getting another one or getting my money back.![]()
You'd really consider asking for your money back because of a spec of dust?
Are you serious, I just dropped 2 grand and you think I should have a black spec under my screen?
I have a big old suction cup , how do I do this? Thanks for the help.
I have a black speck under the glass of my new iMac 27", not sure if it's a dead pixel or a spec of dust. I can't stop staring at it should I take it back?![]()
Ok, so I took the glass off and whilst lifting it the iMac started slipping off the table. I rushed to grab it but in a desperate attempt to save it, I let one hand go off the glass which inevitably fell on it's corner and pierced through the LED display. Not only is there a giant dent on my LED display, it seems to have pierced through and damaged the hard drive, and also the processor seems to have being dented.
Did someone say easy?
Are you serious, I just dropped 2 grand and you think I should have a black spec under my screen?
I have a big old suction cup , how do I do this? Thanks for the help.
So I took it to Apple and they offered to fix it, I said sure, ten minutes later they came back and said they had an issue while removing the screen. They offered me a new one and I said sure but I didn't have time to look at it in the store. I got home and it had another dirt spot! Now I have to go back Thursday after work. I'll have no computer for another day. I'd go tonight but it's my birthday and I have things to do.
I won't leave the store before checking it out this time. At least the aplle folks were nice I'll update Thursday.
Posted from my iPhone so sorry if spelling issues.
No it shouldn't!!! I'm giving them one shot tomorrow, if it isn't meant it isn't meant!
Just tilt it forward from the top and blow a bit of air in there. Boom, problem fixed.
Last night at the Apple store was fun, at first some manager gave me crap for returning my second one. A cool genius came over and told him that I had a dead pixel and to return the computer. We started the 3rd one up in the store and it looked fine. So far so good, the genius offered me a free keyboard with number pad since it was my 4th time in the store this week. I don't really love the keyboard but it was a very generous offer.
I really hope this computer works out, I love it so far. I do wish I NEVER read anything about yellow screens though, I'm constantly trying to determine if my screen is slightly yellow or not.
Hopefully I finally have a good iMac. Thanks for all the input.