I enabled dark mode on Yosemite, after updating to DP 5 I can't disable dark mode, no matter how many times I uncheck the dark mode theme it keeps rechecking its self. I really want to get off dark mode. Any help?
I enabled dark mode on Yosemite, after updating to DP 5 I can't disable dark mode, no matter how many times I uncheck the dark mode theme it keeps rechecking its self. I really want to get off dark mode. Any help?
Do you have Lights Out installed? If so, that seems to be causing the issue for most people with that installed.
defaults delete -g AppleInterfaceStyle
Last login: Fri Oct 17 16:36:23 on console
MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$ defaults delete -g AppleInterfaceStyle
2014-10-17 16:58:13.970 defaults[414:9682]
Domain (kCFPreferencesAnyApplication) not found.
Defaults have not been changed.
MacBook-Pro:~ Mac$