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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 22, 2008
Since to switching to an iMac from a PC, I have noticed that all of my images while looking great on my monitor print out way too dark. I had to actually record an action in Photoshop to adjust the images prior to printing. I could not understand why and just figured well it is what it is and not much I can do about it. However, on reading the June issue of Shutterbug magazine, there was an article in there in which they specifically mentioned the iMac,and the problem that was being experienced by everyone, professionals and amateurs alike with the "dark" prints, and put it down to the fact the iMac monitor was too bright ergo the issue with the dark prints.

Has anyone found a way around this rather than having to adjust the image way out of range in order to get it to print correctly and then revert to a prior state? Please.
PS - I am using an EPSON R220 and an EPSON 1400, both of which printed fine with my PC. (OK Mac lovers, don't jump down my throat. I love my Mac. it just has a few quirks - like all computers - that need to be unravelled.)
Dark printing from iMac

How embarrassing... who knew that there was a utility on the Mac to do this. Thought I would have to buy an external monitor calibrator and create a new ICC profile. Works much better. Still needs a little tweaking, but I will continue to play with it.
Thanks Adam. :eek:
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