question since Im in similar position where my iMac from 2013 with fusion drive that is dead..
Now I have ordered a new iMAC...when it comes..
Could I somehow use it to retrieve data from my old Imac with dead HD??
If so how??
I have a timemachine backup but it was propably taken just before upgrading to High Sierra...
Would that be a problem when getting it into my new iMac when it arrives??
And what would best way of bringing that backup into the new mac be?? timemachine folder by folder?? Migration assistant?
When you say 'dead', did you take it to an Apple Store or AASP and have them verify that it was
physical hard drive failure, run a diagnostic on your own which said the same, or did it stop working for reasons not still known or reasons to suspect a drive failure without certainty? If you did take it to an Apple Store, is the SSD or the HDD portion of the Fusion drive failing?
If you are on High Sierra and this is a corruption issue, you could try the Disk Utility in the Recovery HD, or fsck apfs in single user mode - although if encryption is enabled, from what I have observed, your chances are having success are very poor (and currently, there is no version of DiskWarrior for APFS.)
If this is a physical failure, DriveSavers can recover data from a Fusion drive when a failure has occurred. I believe ACS Data Recovery can do this as well. They will need both the SSD and HDD portions to do this. I would guess the pricing could range anywhere from $500 to $4,000. Estimates on pricing are generally free and sometimes they can give you a better range over the phone once you give them drive/failure specifics.
Definitely invest in a drive you can leave plugged into the new iMac at all times! If possible, keep two
additional copies of any important files, preferably in at least two separate physical location.
@Fishrrman and I are both big believers in and advocates for a program called Carbon Copy Cloner! It has saved me thousands of dollars, and many hours of lost productivity.
Hi And thanks for ansswers...I have been in contact with an Apple certified company that got my logs from running disc utility and also ran the following:
1. Start in safe mode Shift (⇧) = iMac still closes down without starting
2.Start with Command (⌘) and S opening black window where I enter fsck -fy = the system answered "The volume [iMac name] appears to be OK" = iMac still closes down without starting
3.Start with Command (⌘) + R opening recovery area. I tried disk utility "First Aid" and MacOS disk was OK, Fusion drive was OK but coming to MacIntosh HD it stated Not OK and something with:
"Fixing size of logical volume to fill logical volume group.The operation couldnt be completed. ( error 49153.) A disk with a mount point is required. Operation failed..."
4. Reset SMC removing acdc 15 secs then wait 5 secs before start = iMac still closes down without starting
5. Reset NVRAM by start with Command (⌘), Alternativ (⌥), P and R a number of times = iMac still closes down without starting
6. Reinstall MacOs via Start with Command (⌘), R = There is NO disc visible to install to at all (show all discs is on) = iMac still closes down without starting
7. Trying to reinstall to latest version that followed the iMac by Commando (⌘),Shift,Alt,R = iMac still closes down without starting
8. Trying to reinstall to latest compatible version of macOs by Commando (⌘),Shift,Alt,R = iMac still closes down without starting
9. Trying to use my timemachine backup Start with Command (⌘), R = There is NO disc visible to install to at all (show all discs is on) = iMac still closes down without starting
The company I contacted offered to excahnge my hardrive to an 1TB SSD for around 1000 EUR and stated that that could prolong the iMac life 2-3 or even 4 then I thought that it wasnt really worth it so hence IO ordered a new one to get warranty and so on...also full SSD from start to get more reliability...
I do have a timemachine backup but its likely pre-HighSierra so I hope that doesnt give me issues on a new iMAC...having said that last backup was taken 29 of september...and yes I kneo should take copies more often but I also have most of my files on a seperate external drive so..I propably wont loose much file data..however all applications could be a real issue if the time machine copy dont work...
Anyway you mentioned doing a exactly do i do that??
best regards Micael