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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 30, 2006
Datamem seems to be really inexpensive. I am seriously considering putting another 2GB into my system.

2GB Kit (2 x 1GB) FB DDR2-667 (PC2-5300) 128x72 CL5 1.8v 240 Pin ECC FBDIMM

It's only $390.00. Is it quality memory? Are the heatsinks big enough?

Here's a picture of it, for all who are wondering..


It seems to be ok, and I've heard that it's quality ram, but I'd like to get some more feedback before I buy.

Mac Pro still says shipping by the 19th. =(

It will at least give me time to get the extra memory.

I have an active inquiry in the works with Datamem about Apple's oversize heat spreader requirement.

For the moment, they have not listed the DIMMS with those correct oversize heat spreaders, but they are working on it.

DMS is a great company, but this particular situation warrants that you make absolutely clear that you want to order the CORRECT Apple qualified units with the
oversize heat spreaders.

I would do this by e-mail for your records.

The units they are selling now tested O.K., but they are standard Server DIMMS.
If they were to overheat, you could void your Apple warranty if there was any damage to your logic board.

When you're paying $250.00++ per GB, it's best to know what you're doing.
Thanks guys, I am definitely going to call and email them to make sure I get the oversized heatsinks. I will tell you how it goes.

EDIT: Interesting... I just called, and asked something along the lines of "I was wondering if you guys met the oversized ridiculous heatsink specification for the Mac Pro ram." And he replied with something to the effect of "Yes, while our heatsinks are not oversized they do meet the Apple specifications and actually test a few degrees cooler than the Apple memory."

Now I don't know if this guy is right or not, but would it be safe to say that I can just order the regular ram from online? He told me my comptuer wouldn't blow up, should I trust/believe him?
I JUST received an e-mail from Datamem and he is saying that barefeats test results show that their DIMMS meet spec as long as the tower is run with the
service bay closed as normal.

You might want to follow up and get confirmation from barefeats.

"I reran the DLT test with the side cover on the Mac Pro.

The temperature this time for your memory heat sink was cooler by 8 degrees compared to the side cover off. (181F vs 173F)

Apple's memory, by comparison, ran 7 degrees cooler. (182F vs 175F)

So you still have Apple's factory memory beat even with conventional heat sinks."
FFTT said:
The temperature this time for your memory heat sink was cooler by 8 degrees compared to the side cover off. (181F vs 173F)

Why the heck would it run hotter with the side off?! I'll email that guy and see what he says.. Thanks again.
Nevermind, I get it. The side being closed helps with the air circulation as a whole. Makes sense now that I really think about it.

My message by email:


I recently purchased a Mac Pro and am looking to add additional memory to my system. I understand that Apple has very strict regulations in terms of heatsink size and would like to make sure that before I buy, I get the oversized heatsinks that meet Apples qualifications. I figure I should get the best possible, seeing as if any damage occurs from overheating, my Applecare warranty will be void. If you can ensure that the ram has gone through rigorous tests and does meet Apple's specifications, then I will happy buy. This is the cheapest I've found memory, and I've heard only good things. Thank you for your time, and I await your response.

Brian Korteweg

Here's the response I received:

They are standard JEDEC heat-spreaders, however they conform to Apples
heat specs. We have tested and sold several hundred. We will be getting
the Apple approved heat spreaders, however they will be about $130.00 more
for the kits.
hi rainmanbk,
i just purchased 4x1gig sticks last night myself from
i drove down there for kicks since the weather was nice instead of ordering it online. the price was 699 plus tax which ended up bringing the total to 738ish.

i commented somewhere else on how dinky they look but dont go on that alone.
dms has a long standing reputation with their aftermarket ram and one hell of a warranty should you receive a faulty stick. that alone gives me enough confidence to overlook the lack of a ginormous heatsink/spreader bread and butter.

just remember, there's more than 1 way to skin a cat
...or was it a fish?:confused:
Man, I don't know what to do. I'm really scared. I want the ram so badly, yet I would drive off a cliff if I got it and my Mac Pro was damaged. Hmm. I'll have to think about it... Thanks for all your help!
rainmanbk said:
Why the heck would it run hotter with the side off?!

The Mac Pro (and Power Mac) enclosures are built to provide optimum circulation of air from the fans to cool the machine - Apple strongly recommends that the side cover or the inside plastic shield not be removed during normal operation. Keeping it open may also probably affect what the sensors (that control the fans) sense.

EDIT: Oops, was idle for sometime before posting and didn't notice there were newer posts already. :p
wiseguy27 said:
Oops, was idle for sometime before posting and didn't notice there were newer posts already. :p

Haha, that's ok. Thanks for the info!
Hmm. I'm not sure. I am considering spending the additional 100 for the OWC with the oversized heatsink. Isn't it worth spending 100 extra dollars to garuntee my computer is totally safe? That's how I'm feeling, lol.

EDIT: @ peas: It wasn't so much the ram I was worried about. It was the Mac being damaged by overheated ram.
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