You know where it shows the time and battery status, can I configure it to show the date as well?
When you swipe to unlock, it shows the date. Since the date changes once a day versus the time which changes 1440 times a day, I don't understand why you would want to show the date on the homescreen.
Ummm, ever heard of caching for performance? I'm surprised anengineer hadn't thought of it.
Ummm, ever heard of caching for performance? I'm surprised anengineer hadn't thought of it.
I would not mind it either.
I have my MBP configured with Day, Date, and Time, e.g., Sun Aug 15 5:39 PM.
Is it critical to my day to day life? No. But I don't see why it could not be an option for those who would want it.
I, personally, can't see a use for a front facing camera (I doubt I will ever use Face Time or Skype), but others want it. I don't put them down for it.
OP, what your asking for isn't possible.
You know where it shows the time and battery status, can I configure it to show the date as well?
Apologies. I thought it was fairly implicit that nobody here can predict the future. I'll make sure to mention that in all my future posts.I hope you mean currently, because I do not see why that would be impossible with an upgrade to the feature set of the iOS.
I appreciate the limitations of this method, but that's all Apple has provided us at this point in time.Also ,the calendar in the dock would not help if you wanted to reference a date, but you were posting a thread, or writing a document, or something where you did not want to leave the app.