I read a few posts about dead pixels on the iSight, so I thought I'd post this picture to see what other people think.
This is a screenshot straight from Photobooth, showing the image from my iSight when the black cleaning cloth is held up to it.
No, those marks are not dirt (on the outside anyway). Other that this, my iMac is fine with the exception of a single dead pixel (I thought this was a thing of the past, but oh well) and I'm not 100% about whether or not I have the yellow screen issue, so I'll ignore it for now.
What do you think about this issue?

This is a screenshot straight from Photobooth, showing the image from my iSight when the black cleaning cloth is held up to it.
No, those marks are not dirt (on the outside anyway). Other that this, my iMac is fine with the exception of a single dead pixel (I thought this was a thing of the past, but oh well) and I'm not 100% about whether or not I have the yellow screen issue, so I'll ignore it for now.
What do you think about this issue?