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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2005
St. John's, Newfoundland
I have a PB 1.5 w/ superdrive and it was working fine, and i restarted it and went to slip in Warcraft 3 and it wouldn't take the CD, tried a bunch of other cds/dvds and nothing is giving. I opened toast to see if my drive was still recognized and it says i have no drive?! please someone help. I bought my powerbook last september and have had ZERO problems with it.
Thats odd. I'm assuming you have restarted again since..? Have you dropped the machine recently? When you say it isn't "giving", do you mean that it's spitting out CDs you put inside?

It might be something as simple as a loose connection.
Definitely reboot, but sounds like a bunk drive to me. The grab mechanism just doesn't take the disc right? Should be a quick drive replacement.
Johnny Rico said:
Definitely reboot, but sounds like a bunk drive to me. The grab mechanism just doesn't take the disc right? Should be a quick drive replacement.

Thats right it wouldn't take the disk, after the 3rd reboot, on startup there was a loud popping noise and it works again..
Glad thats it working now. Something might have become stuck. Mind you, that isn't to say it can't happen again. I'd think twice before putting any valuable discs inside.
worked for me too

kinsella93 said:
Thats right it wouldn't take the disk, after the 3rd reboot, on startup there was a loud popping noise and it works again..

This is what just happened to me today. Thanks to your post, I resolved it by restarting it. And wow, that IS a weird popping noise. I wonder if I should be worried about this. Maybe it's just a glitch that doesn't need fixing?:(
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