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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 5, 2005
London, UK
I've had a look through the other tripod threads on here, but haven't found any recommendations for very compact ones.

Basically i'm after one that folds up to no more than 12-18 inches, but is still pretty durable. It's only for a digital compact (Powershot S80). I don't mind paying out a bit extra for one that is going to last.

So far I've been looking at the Manfrotto 714SHB or one of the Velbon Ultra ones.

Has anyone had any experience of these? Or any other recommendations along the same lines?



macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
I have the Velbon Ultra Luxi F... overall it is very nice. The pan/tilt head is sturdy and operates very smoothly. It's also pretty versatile, being able to flip the legs out so you can drop the height of it down to about 6 inches is great - or go as high as around 70 inches.

When you extend the legs out as high as they will go, the tripod can be a little bit shaky - especially if you have a heavy camera/lens, or in windy conditions. For your S80 though, it should be fine.

I wish it had flip locks on the legs, instead of the twist locks... I personally find those easier to use. It looks like the Manfrotto you linked to does have the flip locks, so that may be a consideration. (although I'm not sure what the price difference is - and I don't see anything that shows how low the Manfrotto can go)


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
unless you need a ball head, I wouldn't recommend one. From what I've heard, they don't last as long as pan/tilt heads and can be more finnicky. They also make it very hard to do panoramas.


macrumors member
Feb 15, 2007
Boston, MA
I'd recommend the velbon. I had to sell mine becuase it wasn't sturyd enough for my slr w/ heavy lenses, but it should be much more than adequate for your camera!
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