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glad you like it.

anybody else wanna look? this actually does an iTMS comparison with the "others" and shows iTMS' weaknesses and strengths. Best of all, its on a PC where the playing ground is "level"
lol - same here - I am actually now having a hard time in life:

I have a few MDs and am trying to decide between an NetMD (non-NetMDs cost more for less) or an iPod. Very hard.
Originally posted by benixau
lol - same here - I am actually now having a hard time in life:

I have a few MDs and am trying to decide between an NetMD (non-NetMDs cost more for less) or an iPod. Very hard.

I have an MD player (non-NetMD) that I'm ditching for an iPod. It's too much of a hassle to make the MDs, and I always end up listening to the same MD over and over again.
He liked MMJB more than Apple?

That kind of makes his whole review go down the drain for me, but I read it anyways :D.

I've used MMJB before, and it was horrible. He talked about advanced tagging features - it has no more advanced tagging features than apple. The only difference is apple makes it easier, you just select the songs you want to tab and press control-i (on a PC, command-i on a mac). Tagging individual songs is easy as pie, too.

MMJB doesn't organize your music intelligently. Not like iTunes, where it is easy to find an artist, and then a song by that artist. Not to mention order you music by genre, have smart playlists, or order your music by the number of times you've listened to it.

But one of the worst things is that you have to buy it for it to be good at all. The free service pesters you to buy the complete service all the time, and that gets annoying as hell. The free service also slows down how fast it rips CDs and how fast it burns CDs - annoying.

From my experiences iTunes has no competition across all platforms when it comes to the JukeBox side of things.

As for the review, I agreed with all his views on the download services.

But he has got to rethink MMJB. ;)

Originally posted by scem0
He liked MMJB more than Apple?

That kind of makes his whole review go down the drain for me, but I read it anyways :D.

I've used MMJB before, and it was horrible. He talked about advanced tagging features - it has no more advanced tagging features than apple. The only difference is apple makes it easier, you just select the songs you want to tab and press control-i (on a PC, command-i on a mac). Tagging individual songs is easy as pie, too.

MMJB doesn't organize your music intelligently. Not like iTunes, where it is easy to find an artist, and then a song by that artist. Not to mention order you music by genre, have smart playlists, or order your music by the number of times you've listened to it.

But one of the worst things is that you have to buy it for it to be good at all. The free service pesters you to buy the complete service all the time, and that gets annoying as hell. The free service also slows down how fast it rips CDs and how fast it burns CDs - annoying.

From my experiences iTunes has no competition across all platforms when it comes to the JukeBox side of things.

As for the review, I agreed with all his views on the download services.

But he has got to rethink MMJB. ;)


The advanced tagging features in Musicmatch is called SuperTagging, and it's only available in the Plus version of the software. What it does is inspect your incomplete ID3 tags/filenames and downloads complete tags and album art from the Internet. It also renames your files. I found it to be invaluable, and haven't found any service quite as good. When I was on PC, I bought Musicmatch for this feature. Apple's tagging doesn't compare, IMO.

I agree with your opinion about organization, however. iTunes has a much better system in place.
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