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toke lahti

macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 23, 2007
Helsinki, Finland
Since, for some reason, my Disk Utility hangs every time I try to do this via "first aid", I tried vie terminal:

Any ideas why the disk looks like this?
diskutil verifyVolume disk2s2

Started file system verification on disk2s2
Verifying storage system
Performing fsck_apfs -n -x /dev/disk2s2
Checking the container superblock
Checking the EFI jumpstart record
Checking the space manager
Checking the space manager free queue trees
Checking the object map
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume SSDhomeDir was formatted by diskmanagementd (945.250.134) and last modified by apfs_kext (945.275.7)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking snapshot 1 of 2
[LINES 17-249:]
error: Cross Check : ExtentRef physical extent (0xXXXXXXX + XXX) has kind APFS_KIND_UPDATE but was not referenced previously
[LINES 250-2015:]
error: Cross Check : FSroot tree references extent (0xXXXXXXX + XXX) which is not present in the ExtentRef tree
[LINES 2016-7316:]
error: Cross Check : Mismatch between extentref entry reference count (0) and calculated fsroot entry reference count (1) for extent (0xXXXXXXX + XXX)
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume Preboot was formatted by diskmanagementd (945.275.7) and last modified by apfs_kext (945.275.7)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume Recovery was formatted by diskmanagementd (945.275.7) and last modified by apfs_kext (945.275.7)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume VM was formatted by apfs.util (945.275.7) and last modified by apfs_kext (945.275.7)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Verifying allocated space
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27277961+8) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27278585+7) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27278592+64) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27278656+64) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27278720+64) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27278784+64) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27278848+64) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27278912+6) bitmap address (7cb0)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27506878+2) bitmap address (99be)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27546624+1) bitmap address (7f6d)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27546640+1) bitmap address (7f6d)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27559602+2) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562524+3) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562530+2) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562541+2) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562544+3) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562554+6) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562560+64) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562624+64) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562688+64) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27562752+60) bitmap address (b0fb)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27775141+9) bitmap address (c552)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (27775193+5) bitmap address (c552)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28110235+28) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28110281+1) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112199+57) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112256+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112320+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112384+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112448+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112512+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112576+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112640+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112704+19) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112729+6) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112740+1) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112750+18) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112768+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112832+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112896+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28112960+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113024+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113088+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113152+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113216+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113280+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113344+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113408+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113472+64) bitmap address (7cba)
warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (28113536+64) bitmap address (7cba)
too many warnings generated; suppressing subsequent ones
Performing deferred repairs
The volume /dev/disk2s2 appears to be OK
Storage system check exit code is 0
Finished file system verification on disk2s2
Exactly the same output when I use repairVolume switch.
And same output, when doing that repairing again, so I assume nothing is repaired?

Suggestions should it be just wiped of fixed?

If both works which is faster, wiping includes cloning 460GB of homers to another drive and then back?
Interesting lines are at the end:
Performing deferred repairs
warning: found physical extent corruption but repairs are disabled
The volume /dev/rdisk5s1 appears to be OK
File system check exit code is 0
Restoring the original state found as mounted
Finished file system repair on disk5s1 SSDhomeDir
Does this mean that diskutil is unable to repair those few thousand errors in the disk?
Last edited:
Considering the relatively low cost of SSDs today, I would buy new SSD and clone this one there. Just to be sure. And may be then try to reformat it and see if it helps. But if there are physical corruptions, I am not sure I would trust the SSD into the future. I have lost already few SSDs to physical failures and there was no way to recover anything at all when they finally failed. May be this one is really nice and is sending you warning?
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First: make sure you have a back up of your data.

Second: If by wipe you mean, writing 0's or junk to every block, and if this an SSD, then all you need to wipe is delete the existing partitions, and then recreate them using the graphical Disk Utility. If you get errors deleting and recreating the partition(s) then you have a bad SSD. If the partition(s) delete and recreate successfully, just remember that the older an SSD gets, the more blocks in the chips will fail.

SSD's can only be written and erased so many times. So if you get another SSD remember some people say, get twice what you need now, and be careful as you approach 50% usage.
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With wiping I mean just re-partitioning the whole thing. S.m.a.r.t data shows no physical problems.

Sounds like the drive is bad. As @Honza1 pointed out, SSD’s are cheap ($120 for a 1tb model). Just buy a couple backup drives and a usb to sata connector (for $8) and put that old drive to pasture.
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