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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 13, 2006
Manchester, UK
Don't know if this is in the right place. It isn't hardware, but it's basic! :)


If anyone can be bothered, could you post a complete list of keyboard shortcuts for me please. I've found bit's and bob's in books and stuff, but I can't find a propper definitive list for a Windows -> Mac switcher list.

I've bought the book today by recomendation off here, the David Pogue missing manual one. And it's great but ideadly i need a list that I can laminate and sit next to my future MBP for the first week or two, just so I can look up the windows version and the Mac version next to it.

I would REALLY like to use the keyboard shortcuts super fast (as I do with windows) but I don't want to keep flippnig through a book every few mins for the first few weeks.

So if anyone one has any lists and could help me match them up, I'd be greatful.

Also what is that clover thing? option WHAT??? shift something??
Could some one clarify the "prefix" style things for the Mac shortcuts and the counterparts in Windows please.

Many thanks in advance!

Dan :)
Clover thing = Command (AKA the Apple Button)
To show you Sift and Option follow below:
Go to Finder > File > New Folder = Shift+Command+N
Finder > File > New Smart Folder = Option+Command+N
Its great that OS X shows you the shortcuts in the menus. I love that feature.

Quit App = Command+Q | (Windows) Alt+F4
Close Window = Command+W | (Windows) ... Nothing

There is a great list in System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts
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