TextWrangler provides powerful multi-file search and replace ( including grep if needed ) and might prove more effective and less technically challenging than a script. Rich Siegel and the great developers at Bare Bones are somehow able to offer this awesome tool at no charge. Anyway, just a thought since, on the surface, your editing needs appear basic. I have no affiliation with Bare Bones or the product. Just a happy user.
If you wanted to do it a a shell script, you could iterate through the files and run sed on them
It would look something like this
for each filename in /myDirectory do
sed -n -e '/<br \/>/d' filename
end for
But, as a warning. I have not tested this code, this is simply an approach that you can start from. Try googling 'loop through files with bash' and 'sed guides'. I strongly advise that you start working this stuff out for yourself. I don't think the kind of spoon feeding you're getting here is in your best interests.