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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 2, 2003
Home of Al-Qaida
You guys have no idea how much I hate Iomega atm. So here's the problem. I installed both the Zip 250 USB and IomegaWare 4.0.2 on Mac OS X Jaguar, and five minutes later I uninstalled both items 'cause of their poor performance. As usual, I did a Find and tried to delete all the Iomega files. But IomegaWare wouldn't have it, telling me 3 of the items belong to the root and I can't delete them. So I said fine, and ran the IomegaWare installer and selected Uninstall. I restarted the system right after and thought glad that's over with. But what I didn't realize is that IomegaWare left the damn Iomega Active Delivery icon under Other in System Preferences menu. It's not in the PreferencesPanes folder, but that wouldn't matter 'cause it'll say owned by root and won't let me delete it. So I installed IomegaWare and did Uninstall again to see if I can get rid of the Active Delivery icon, but that didn't do zip. I tried dragging the icon away from the System Preferences menu to desktop and trash, but that didn't work either.

Does anyone know how to get rid of the icon in the System Preferences? TIA
have you looked in both preferencepane folders? in /library and /system/library? Also, if you do find it, you can delete an item owned by root by typing, in the terminal:

sudo rm /folder/folder/filename.ext

sudo invokes root (will prompt you for password), rm is the remove command. then the pathname of the file.

just be very careful with that, you're bypassing all security parameters apple uses to keep people from screwing with their systems... not a command to use lightly.

alternately, there are also programs that do this for you (particularly if the file is visible) but i don't know anything about them as i've never seen the need.

Wait wait wait, there's a safer solution that just might work. Sometimes the cache of SP gets messed up, causing the app to think that certain panes are installed when they aren't. If you delete the cache, SP just makes a new one, that, if the problem is where I think it is, won't be corrupted.

You can find the SP cache at [home]/Library/Caches/

Just get rid of that file and relaunch SP. That pesky icon should be gone!
Thanks for the prompt reply guys! While you guys where typing, I was googling (hehe) and found the same suggestion as shakespeare's. Since I'm sharing the system w/ another person, I did it like this.

Macintosh HD > Users > House Icon (w/ my name) > Library > Caches >

Which is exactly what shakespeare said! I didn't go into Users the first time around, thus couldn't find It's all good now. Thanks again guys.
Hey, I'm glad you got that resolved. The reason I know how to do that is that I had the same problem several months ago, and the good people here at MacRumors helped me out. I'm pleased to be able to pay that help back to the community somehow.

Welcome aboard!
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