so i have a ton of pics/videos i took with my camera , when i sync to itunes/iphoto, i drag the pics to the appropriate folders (e.g. b days, partys etc... but how do i delete then off the iphone to save space/memory
The best way I found was to make a separate folder of what you actually want on the iphone, and then sync that folder. There's no way I know of to actually delete the photos you sync to the iphone manually or by drag and drop (since itunes doesn't have pics). It's kind of a pain, I know, but until I hear differently that's all there is.
actually just did that, and when (this is similar behavior to a digital camera) it's done importing, its says "keep or delete originals" when I moved ALL, to a new folder and said delete, it actually took all off my ihone camera, but when i tried to do one or 2, and hit yes to delete originals, it did not work...odd, but it seems to work for "all"
You confused me there.
Anyway, you might want to rephrase what you're asking. If I understand, you want to say keep originals, or the next time you sync, it will delete all the pics off your iPhone (if you don't manually manage your iPhone). I've had to redo mine one time because I screwed this up when I first got my iPhone.
so i have a ton of pics/videos i took with my camera , when i sync to itunes/iphoto, i drag the pics to the appropriate folders (e.g. b days, partys etc... but how do i delete then off the iphone to save space/memory
hmmm...ok... let me see if I can explain better, in iphoto under devices, there is my iphone camera with the number 53 (number of pics) when I dragged one of those pics to a new folder (cause I want to get them off my iphone camera), and hit "delete original", the pic was still there in the camea under devices.
so next time i sync, this will get deleted?
Oh, you have iPhoto. I don't have a Mac, but my son does, and he couldn't asnwer me on how iPhoto would work with the iPhone (since he doesn't have an iPhone). So, I don't know the answer to your question. Are you able to use iPhoto to drag pics straight to the iPhone (i.e. you don't have to use iTunes)?
Just to check, you do know you can delete them the camera roll on the phone itself? There's a dustbin symbol when you're viewing a pic......
Just to check, you do know you can delete them the camera roll on the phone itself? There's a dustbin symbol when you're viewing a pic...... there a way to delete all
That's only for photos you take with the iPhone.