I'm 77 and have had many Macs since OSX Cheetah. But I now have a brain injury with intermittant memory loss and have also lost a lot of vision recently due to Macular Degeneration. I've been very foolish in that I've acquired many friends who use Windows PCs and who know nothing about MacOS. Today I need some help with my Mac and have had some panic attacks realising that I'm having trouble doing some fairly basic stuff. I'm on a MacBook Pro 2017 running Ventura 13.6.9 and I back up automatically using Time Machine with 1.2 Terabytes available. Problem: today I trashed a file by mistake due to poor vision because I'm a 2-finger typist and make lots of typing errors. I went to the Bin to retrieve the file but then deleted it by mistake. Rang Apple and they told me I need to send the Mac away for data retrieval. I live in a small town 400km from a big city so I need to courier the Mac and pay a lot of money to have those files recovered. I asked Apple Support if I could retrieve the files using Time Machine but they said I couldn't because the file was in the Trash. I always thought Time Machine kept everything -even files from the Trash but they said not. Just wondering if anyone here has any info that might help me avoid paying for data retrieval.