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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2003
Austin, TX
I downloaded and installed a weather plugin for my appletv from and I don't really like it. I followed the general directions from engadget to get the plugin installed using the terminal, but I'm not familiar enough with terminal to delete the file. If someone could please help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
If someone could please help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Don't know if i'm going to be much help as i haven't modded my :apple:tv yet(i'll enjoy it the way it is for now). But, I think the easiest way is to reinstall the copy/image you made of the original factory install(you did make one right, I hope).

cd /System/Library/CoreServices/

Locate the plugin file/directory you copied there:

ls -l

Make note of the exact file/directory's name.

Type(if it's a file):

rm (filename)

If it's a directory:

rmdir (directory name)

That should do it. You'll then want to restart finder:

kill `ps ax|grep [F]inder|cut -b 2-5`

If that doesn't work, You'll have to restore the factory image, as i.Feature suggested.
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