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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2008
This script is supposed to delete files out of my downloads stack but it doesnt do ANYTHING. no errors, no result, no nothing...
FYI "The Mothership" is my internal HDD and "Jackman" is my home folder.

tell application "Finder"
		delete (every item of folder "Downloads" of folder "Jackman" of disk "The Mothership" whose modification date is less than ((get current date) - 1 * days))
	end try
end tell
Hi britishcolumbia

I copied your script and added in the "Users"
tell application "Finder"


delete (every item of folder "Downloads" of folder "Paul" of folder "Users" of disk "Macintosh HD" whose modification date is less than ((get current date) - 1 * days))
end try

end tell

it works great! - thanks this is an awesome script!

This will work, too ...

tell application "Finder"
		move (every item of alias "Macintosh HD:Users:<your user name>:Downloads:" whose modification date is less than ((get current date) - 1 * days)) to trash
	on error errNum number errMsg
		display dialog ("Error: " & errNum as string) & return & errMsg
	end try	
end tell

Advantage ... it moves files to the trash to give you an option before deleting them.

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