OK so I have Open SSH and other things like Fuse and Disk for iPhone and now I need to find some problematic files to delete as I cannot do it fro the phone.
I was using iReal SMS and it received an SMS from Vodafone regarding balance etc. I have since deleted iReal SMS but it has left this residue SMS Txt in my Normal SMS App which happens to be the text from vodafone except it is telling me it is from someone in my adddress book even though totally different phone number. Really wierd. Now every time I attempt to delete the bloody thing it just adds itself to the bottom of the list again as does one other residual text left over from iRealSMS
So I have this list of 2 text in my inbox that just gets longer and longer every time I try to delete these two text.
Question is : where will I find these suckers in the iPhone directory when I use SSH and how do I get rid of the bastards ..... ? Any ideas.
Please excuse my typos I've just had an eye operation and have a patch over one eye... difficult to type well ... a little
I was using iReal SMS and it received an SMS from Vodafone regarding balance etc. I have since deleted iReal SMS but it has left this residue SMS Txt in my Normal SMS App which happens to be the text from vodafone except it is telling me it is from someone in my adddress book even though totally different phone number. Really wierd. Now every time I attempt to delete the bloody thing it just adds itself to the bottom of the list again as does one other residual text left over from iRealSMS
So I have this list of 2 text in my inbox that just gets longer and longer every time I try to delete these two text.
Question is : where will I find these suckers in the iPhone directory when I use SSH and how do I get rid of the bastards ..... ? Any ideas.
Please excuse my typos I've just had an eye operation and have a patch over one eye... difficult to type well ... a little