I am be able to post a message on twitter site from within my iphone application and also getting the id of the posted message
I have also to implement a process where when user touches a button then I need to delete the post on twitter using the ID of the message received previously
Can anybody tell me how to do this?
I am using NSMutableURLRequest to send request to twitter site
Also one more thing I have noticed that event if I specify my application name in the request to send still then I always see
"from web "in the source [on twitter site] that indicates from where the current message comes from
The code snippet that specifies source is as given below
Any idea?
I have also to implement a process where when user touches a button then I need to delete the post on twitter using the ID of the message received previously
Can anybody tell me how to do this?
I am using NSMutableURLRequest to send request to twitter site
Also one more thing I have noticed that event if I specify my application name in the request to send still then I always see
"from web "in the source [on twitter site] that indicates from where the current message comes from
The code snippet that specifies source is as given below
NSString *body = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"source=MyAppName&status=%@", tweetMsg];