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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
I don't really know how long the 24" Ultrasharp monitor has been out. Is now a good time to buy? Is there a new model coming? Right now you can get this monitor for $808 with a 5 year warranty.

Any opinions from people that own this monitor?
The 2407WFP just came out, so a new model is unlikely for a while. Apparently they're awesome displays. It'll probably be the next piece of hardware I buy. :cool:
mad jew said:
The 2407WFP just came out, so a new model is unlikely for a while. Apparently they're awesome displays. It'll probably be the next piece of hardware I buy. :cool:

I keep reading that the 2407WFP has been delayed in a number of countries, because of 'gradient bleeding' :confused:, similarly the 'new' 2007WFP had the same issue.
It's suppose to be a good monitor, but I would not buy 2 extra years of warranty.
I didn't see a model of 24" of the WFP listed on the dell website. Is there some where else I should be looking?

The extra two years only costs $50 which isn't that bad.
I'd rock out with the older 2405. I love it, and never had any issues with it...from the reviews I've read, the 22''-25'' market LCD's the Dell 2405 is the hands down winner, and I can see why. I love it almost as much as my Powerbook, and that's really sayin' somethin'...
Well, I just took the plunge and bought a 2405FPW for $770 shipped and taxed. :cool:

The one thing I'm wondering about though - and I can't seem to find the info anywhere - is whether it comes with a DVI cable or if I have to buy one. Does anyone know?? i'd hate for it to arrive and then have to use an adapter until I can be bothered to buy one... I can be bothered now!

yojitani, you need to give us your impressions once you get it! :D I am pretty sure I'm going to buy the 24" Dell LCD since the price just dropped, but I just need a few more impressions.

If you have an Xbox 360, can you test it out on the monitor and report back here? Thnx.
yojitani said:
Well, I just took the plunge and bought a 2405FPW for $770 shipped and taxed. :cool:

The one thing I'm wondering about though - and I can't seem to find the info anywhere - is whether it comes with a DVI cable or if I have to buy one. Does anyone know?? i'd hate for it to arrive and then have to use an adapter until I can be bothered to buy one... I can be bothered now!


Should come with one, my 2005FPw came with one along with a USB cable. Follow that link for $759 Best of luck, the monitor is fantastic. You can also get a $35 coupon on ebay for a few bucks to lower the price even more making your total about $730 + tax :)

Btw, I have this monitor and I love it (I have used about 12 monitors in my life all top quality screens, but this one is the best). Do not bother waiting for the 2407wfp
Dell sucks don't bother......
I have a 1700W and it burned out only after a year and a half and Dell refuses to acknowledge our extra warranty or acknowledge that it was bundled with our computer we never asked for it.
you need to give us your impressions once you get it! I am pretty sure I'm going to buy the 24" Dell LCD since the price just dropped, but I just need a few more impressions.

If you have an Xbox 360, can you test it out on the monitor and report back here? Thnx.

Afro1989 Will do! But no xbox, unfortunately. Not much of a gamer, really. However, I have read some good reviews on gaming sites (which I can't locate right now). On one it was compared to a similar ViewSonic (I think). They said that the 2405 dealt with shadows better is all I remember - sounded good at any rate.

Follow that link for $759 Best of luck, the monitor is fantastic. You can also get a $35 coupon on ebay for a few bucks to lower the price even more making your total about $730 + tax

DavidCL23: This is exactly what I did. 99 cents for the voucher. BUT I didn't get free shipping - it was something like $19 minus $9.50:confused: . Then taxes..=$770. Think what that would have been with the 23" ACD:eek:! Of course, if I had the money...

slick316 Cheers! Happy to hear that.
Dell badges other companies LCDs, so the quality varies. At my studio, I have some 20 LCDs, most of them Dells, and all of them good. I have a preference for Planar, but I bought my girlfriend a top of the line Dell that happen to have the highest contrast ratio of any of the LCDs that I could afford. I have had only 1 bum Dell LCD, and the company swapped it out over night for free. The refurbs are a good deal, but one has to search and do one's research on each model. Sometimes the differences between models is small, and sometimes it's something big, but a little hidden.
depending what your use is...

I know 2007wfp had really bad problems with banding, Dell released a firmware upgrade as a fix but it seams more like a patch "to shut them up" than anything else. See dell site forum for details

I'm reading here that 2407 had the same issue

i like the '07 series more visually but to sacrifice quality... hmmm, I'm still stuck on this to be honest
I have the 24" Dell (the old model - 2405fpw) and I can't recommend it enough. I'd heard lots of horror stories about Dell's quality control, so I assumed that I'd have to send the monitor back 2 or 3 times before I got one that was suitable. Perhaps I just have an uncritical eye, but the one I got seems perfect.

Thanks to a rather poorly executed government scheme to increase computer literacy, I got mine for £200!!!! :D .
Well, here I am in front of the 2405 that came in this afternoon. First impressions:

*Size is fantastic. That's why I bought it and on that front, I'm satisfied. It's not as aesthetically pleasing as my old Studio display - but shoganai, with the way dreamweaver etc. is set up these days, design is v. unfriendly without the space. Especially if it's a daily activity.

*Where I'm having the most trouble is with calibration. You can't adjust the contrast in DVI mode, so the apple calibration is not quite right. I want/need images to look better than they do right now. I'm sure they will, but this calibration business is giving me a headache. Generally, the display is a little too bright so certain images look washed-out / faded and text is not as crisp as it should be. If anyone has some tips on calibrating this monster, please pass them on!

More impressions as I get this set up.

I just wish I could purchase one. See my post about ordering problems with Dell.
I adjusted mine just fine with the apple color tools.

It is indeed to light in stock configuration, but when you go through the paces, you end up with a very nicely saturated image.
fowler. said:
I adjusted mine just fine with the apple color tools.

It is indeed to light in stock configuration, but when you go through the paces, you end up with a very nicely saturated image.

You may be right. The light in this house (not just my office) is terrible. I noticed that once I put on my halogen lamp, things looked a little better (after a second calibration). There is still some fine-tuning to do - but I may leave that until I move in a few weeks to an office with a window and better light!

@ Stuuke: Yeah, I caught your thread. Bad luck. I caught this one on May 31 - when I thought the sales were ending - and combined the purchase with a $35 discount that I bought off of ebay for 99 cents. If you wait, they may have a sale soon on the 2407's. Now they've taken care of the banding problem, I'd imagine it's a great monitor. I'll keep an eye out for any rebates/special offers for ya.

yojitani said:
text is not as crisp as it should be. If anyone has some tips on calibrating this monster, please pass them on!

First, I'd dl the latest video card drivers. After that, make sure you use the ClearType font, b/c it works best on my Dell 2405 for text clarity. When I got it stock it seemed muddled too, but now it looks like a big, black, orgasmic beast. I love it. I'd buy 100 before I'd buy an ACD at the current price/performance difference (if you don't believe me check out the TH review on the two)
Veritas&Equitas said:
First, I'd dl the latest video card drivers. After that, make sure you use the ClearType font, b/c it works best on my Dell 2405 for text clarity. When I got it stock it seemed muddled too, but now it looks like a big, black, orgasmic beast. I love it. I'd buy 100 before I'd buy an ACD at the current price/performance difference (if you don't believe me check out the TH review on the two)

Cheers for the tips. I've been considering upgrading to a new video card. This one, a GEForce 5200, is getting pretty long in the tooth. Looks like quite powerful ones can be had on ebay (like the ATi 9800) for just over $100 - sometimes less. (though, I know you need to be careful if you don't want a flashed PC card)

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