Geez, Ive always heard bad things about dell CS, but up till now never had a problem. I ordered a GPS system from Dell, than actually sent it back the day it arrived. The credit took about 2-3 weeks to go through, and I thought that was the end of it. Than the other day I got a letter saying I owed $30.00 to them. I tried calling DFS to explain that I returned the item right away. The first time I called there was no communication problem until I asked for a refund. When I asked for a refund the line went dead.
The second time I called, again there was no communication problem until I asked for a refund. Once I started asking for a refund the person on the other end from india claimed not to be able to hear me very well, than the line went dead.
Dell sucks...probably alot less hassle to pay the $30.00....
The second time I called, again there was no communication problem until I asked for a refund. Once I started asking for a refund the person on the other end from india claimed not to be able to hear me very well, than the line went dead.
Dell sucks...probably alot less hassle to pay the $30.00....