I've been thinking about it. The big driver has been the ability to connect to the vpn at work and run full Outlook. I'm really not sold on Windows 8/8.1, though. I've been playing with a Dell Latitude 10 tablet from work and compared to my former iPad 3 or my current Nexus 7 the user interface really isn't up to par. I really wanted to like it; to have a full x86 system in a portable form factor. I'm having a really hard time figuring out what exactly Windows 8 is good at that other tablets are already better at.
I still keep toying with the idea of picking up one for personal use (TunerStudio on an 8 inch tablet would be really nice for Megasquirt tuning), but $250 is a little much for my to drop on a whim. I'd be interesting in hearing from anyone who has one, especially if they have experience with other iOS/Android tablets.