Thats the point we all to often forget the ones who dont go all the time into the public and make us aware about what they did for us .
UNIX and C are quiet a milestone in computing as we know it today and Dennis Ritchie should get the recognition he deserves .His achivements are no less important then the achievments of Steve Jobs, and i bet Steve Jobs would agree there if he would still be alive .
without Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson there would today be no Linux, Android, Mac OS, iOS, JavaScript, C++, maybe we would have something else but thats speculative , maybe we would still use Multics
Like we would not use Mac's today if Steve Jobs had not meet Steve Wozniak. Maybe we would not use OSX like it is today if Steve Jobs had not seen the Gui from Xerox Parc
One cant just go from today back in history and say if Person X had not the idea someone else would have come up with it