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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 7, 2006
missoula, montana
ok, so i work at the tech center for my university ad a lady called me the other day asking about a piece of softwear called parallel. her understaning was that you could run windows programs on a mac without the intel processor if you were using this program.

I was just curious if anyone here has had any experiece with this program. I can't really see it working without the chip, but i thought i would ask anyways. thanks for any help

Parallels only works (and very well too) on Intel Macs. VPC is the program that works on PPC Macs, and is much slower.
And just to confirm that either way you need a full legal copy of Windows. Parallels or VPC on their own do not allow you to run Windows software.
parallels only runs on a macintel. for ppc, your only real option (that i know of) would be virtual pc.

edit: wow i'm slow. when i went to add to the thread, there was only the OP. by the time i'd posted, there were two replies! haha
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