All of my fellow posters have given good advice and solid direction. Im just going to give my .02 cents as well.
1. Learn to draw if you can not already do this. The ability to sketch, no mater how rudimentary is nearly always essential. Focus on scale, proportions and placement first off.
2. is a great place to learn the tools of the trade, but like most people said, knowing the tools doesn't make you a designer. A story I often tell my freelance clients is about a man who was driving through the desert when his vehicle began making a horrible racket. He pulled into a gas station and the attendant came out. He listened to the car for about a minute, got under the hood and turned a single screw, the car began to purr like a kitten. The driver was amazed and asked how much he owed the man. The mechanic said 50.00. The driver was outraged, complaining and asking how exactly turning a screw is worth 50 bucks. The mechanic smiled coyly and explained it was only a nickel to turn the screw, but it was 49.95 to know which screw to turn.
3. Start looking at magazines and books. Begin to get a feel for design (notice I didnt say "good" design), take in ALL design, because only then will you learn to separate the good from the bad.
4. NOW start reading design magazines and websites devoted to design. Granted not all that you see is going to strike you as good design, just like artists everyone has a unique taste, this is why I refuse to follow "rules." Sure there are a few decent ones, no rivers in texts, rule of typography, etc. But rules in art are stupid for the most part, like A cant only go in area B, or C only works if the background is D, etc. If we truly believed this then Picasso and van Gogh's work, not to mention 75% of modern art, would be largely considered crap. Find your own niche, and your customers will find you.
The two books I personally swear by for the beginner are ...
how to be a graphic design without losing your soul by Adrian Shaughnessy
Forms, Folds, and Sizes: All the Details Graphic Designers Need to Know but Can Never Find by Poppy Evans
Hope this helps.
I want to start on Design and web design and I want to learn by myself.
So Any books that you might recommend me to learn Design and web design?
Thanks for the help