Before downloading it, I can tell that I really like the way you present your work, with photographs.
I really don't like your cover page, though. It seems pretty lackluster compared to your work. Drop shadows aren't much fun anymore. Try something a bit more sleek and modern with a more unified colour scheme. For example, it looks like you took all of your photos on a dark hardwood floor... try to work that into your colour scheme. Something earthy, or maybe another photo for the cover. The ideal cover would be something like a photo of "MATTHEWCLARKDESIGNPORTFOLIO" engraved into dark hardwood, but I guess that's wishful thinking.
I guess I just find the grey/yellow combo a bit glaring.
Nice job otherwise! Any chance you could use higher res photos though? If you cut down on your pieces you could fit higher quality photos in there while maintaining a decent file size.