Just a little advice, not to be mean or anything but when I first read your "request" it sounded a bit snobby. It sounds like the good people here "owed" it to you to spend time designing something for you, and for free! You aren't "requesting" something, you are asking someone to do something for you. You should be humble when you ask for something. When you ask someone to do something for you, tone matters a lot. I don't just mean the tone of your voice, I mean the overall tone of your sentence or sentences, created by the words that you choose. In America, people often forget the basics of how to ask for something politely. Probably because people like to be casual in America. There is nothing wrong with being casual but there is a fine line between casual and rude.
The old saying "You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar" comes to mind. If you would like to ask for help, then by all means ask nicely. I know a guy who often says "why don't I let you give me a ride". What is that all about? Like he is the king or something? How rude! Many people are put off by his "requests" and he often doesn't get what he "requests". It always amazes me how many people talk like this and don't even know it.
Many designers like myself are put off by people who ask if we can do something for free. It is like our skills are not valuable. I don't ask a lawyer to give me free legal advice. If I asked a doctor to look at something for free, he or she would tell me to buzz off. I'm not saying that there aren't some people who wouldn't mind helping you but asking nicely always improves your chances.
I live in Japan and I have been here for over 4 years. If you are indeed planning to move to Chiba, this is a very important lesson you should learn. Manners are more important here and Japanese are a lot more formal than Westerners (well they are more formal than Americans and Canadians and I would say more formal than British but not by much)! Knowing how to ask is important here (as well doing things or saying things that can be perceived as arrogant will not get you very far here, and I can guarantee that many things that you don't even know that you do will be perceived as rude or arrogant here). I wish you best of luck in getting your "fire" kanji and I wish you the best of luck if you make it to Chiba.