Few tips for recognizing quality in the website
1.Website should be easy to download :If you website does not download within few seconds then web surfer may loose interest and skip towards other websites. So, keep downloading time as short as possible and let the visitors have amusing experiences in short possible time
2.Website should be easy to read: Check out color combination between text and background of the webpage. Perfect color combination makes it readable. In other words producing HTML text, background images, and the text in graphic images with the highest possible contrast.
3.Website should be easy to navigate: All of your hyperlinks should be clear to your visitors.It makes a pleasing web surfing experience.
4.Website should be easy to find :Web sites must be promoted online via search engines, directories, award sites, banner advertising, electronic magazines (e-zines) and links from other web sites. These entire activities enhance its visibility in search engines.
5.Web page layout and design should be consistent:Consistency and coherence have equal level of intensity in all forms of document, whether it be a report or a set of web pages, project a professional image.