Screen shot attached; macOS 12.5.1 but not new with any recent update. It's not a wallpaper issue; note the bleed from Excel window too. MacBook Air 2021, 8G/256G. It doesn't bleed into the forum, nor (I THINK) anything but the Start page.
I know how to annotate in Windows but not macOS so text will have to do; 'picture' is below word "Favorites" occupying about 1/3 of screen horizontally. Excel window is obvious. Icons are not very obvious, but 2 rows top-center.
Is this enough?
Let's commit a cardinal sin, 2 issues in 1 thread. When I create the screen image (command-shift-3) and select copy to clipboard, it doesn't; same with small trim, command-shift-4. I have to save to the desktop, then select and copy-paste. I cannot drag into this message, says Safari doesn't allow, I have to use the paperclip and navigate to it. What's this stupid old man doing wrong?