After installing 10.4.6, I discovered that my hard drive icon is moved to the bottom of the desktop screen instead of to the upper right hand corner whenever I log out. I want it to stay in the upper right hand corner... what's going on?
Tried that, and it didn't work. I checked and unchecked 'snap to grid', and checked and unchecked 'show hard drive on desktop' numerous times in the finder preferences and view options. I can move it manually, but it forces me to do this each time I log in. Why it places it in the middle, I can't imagine. I do not have 'arrange by name' checked either.
A screenshot would be nice right about now (cmd-shift-3), to see where it's positioned, and what else is on your desktop. Is there other icons close to the right hand corner that might interfere with the position of the HD icon (which is placed automatically at the top right, or as close as possible following an N-pattern)?
I just managed to fix it right before reading your post. It was very odd, considering the other icons near the top should have been separated appropriately due to the 'snap to grid' setting. The column to the far right was short of icons on the bottom, so I moved some icons from the next column over to the far right column (right above the trash can). Now the hard drive seems to stay put.
I'd take a screen shot, but it's too big and I'm too tired to figure out how to resize the image for macrumors.