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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 23, 2013
Is this expected/normal behaviour? Can it be changed?

whats happening:
- using pages in fullscreen on desktop 2
- switch to desktop 1 where I have two safari windows split vertically
- another open pages document moves to front covering left side safari window
- I use mission control to locate left side safari window
- switch back to desktop 2 (fullscreen pages doc)
- switch back to desktop 1
- pages doc pops up again to cover left side safari panel

my workflow, like many others, has a lot of desktop switches. I want to switch from a fullscreen pages document to another desktop to use safari, or other applications. Pages thinks I wish to continue using it when I 'control + arrow' shortcut away from it, so it makes another required pages document I have open on desktop 1 active. I could merge my pages windows into tabs yes, but sometimes I require the right side safari window to be visible alongside the pages document, and even both safari windows to be visible alongside each other, so making a split fullscreen app desktop is also not a choice.

Thanks! :)
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