After purchasing my new iPhone 3g, I was stupid enough to upgrade my old iPhone to the 2.0 software and destroy my old SIM card. Before doing this I had a perfectly useful iPod Touch equivalent, now I have an unactivated phone that won't do squat unless I sign up to pay for $20 per month. I'd like my 5 year old to be able to use my old iPhone to listen to music, watch movies, and play games.
Can anyone please tell me how to get the phone working with iTunes, and running apps from the Appstore without have to pay for cell phone service that I don't need?
I think I really screwed up here and could use some advice. Many thanks in advance!!!
Can anyone please tell me how to get the phone working with iTunes, and running apps from the Appstore without have to pay for cell phone service that I don't need?
I think I really screwed up here and could use some advice. Many thanks in advance!!!