I've hit a small snag... I'm using the method
[(NSDate*)date addTimeInterval];
However, the addTimeInterval method is deprecated in 10.6... My app will remain compatible with 10.5, so I would like to use the suggested method: dateByAddingTimeInterval:.
So, how can I detect the operating system version and call the appropriate method? Oh and i'd like the suppress the warning too if this is possible...
Closest thing I saw was in NSProcessInfo operatingSystemVersionString, but it says "This string is not appropriate for parsing.".... Err.
I've hit a small snag... I'm using the method
[(NSDate*)date addTimeInterval];
However, the addTimeInterval method is deprecated in 10.6... My app will remain compatible with 10.5, so I would like to use the suggested method: dateByAddingTimeInterval:.
So, how can I detect the operating system version and call the appropriate method? Oh and i'd like the suppress the warning too if this is possible...
Closest thing I saw was in NSProcessInfo operatingSystemVersionString, but it says "This string is not appropriate for parsing.".... Err.