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macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 29, 2008
Xcode is the IDE. I presume you mean "how do I code this in Cocoa?"

Look at the NSString documentation. The methods you want are hasPrefix: and length. The JavaScript code on the link could almost be ported line by line to Cocoa.
Xcode is the IDE. I presume you mean "how do I code this in Cocoa?"

Look at the NSString documentation. The methods you want are hasPrefix: and length. The JavaScript code on the link could almost be ported line by line to Cocoa.

I've tried and I'm getting absolutely nowhere with it.

Should I use textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:?

I'm still going nowhere with that :/
This is pretty basic Cocoa programming stuff... if you're confused here, I suggest picking up a book and start from the beginning. There are threads here that discuss iPhone specific books.
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