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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
I've read they're working on pawnage tool, from what I understand it's only for macs.

From past firmwares, how long does it take for a Windows fix?

Why have they started with OS X first? Is windows more difficult to design a fix for?

From what I've read jailbreaking 3.1 is going to be the hardest one yet.

I don't care too much for unlocking, just want the JB!

Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes to my thread!

Go Dev Team Gooooo!!
it takes them how ever long it takes

seriously does it matter if every other time it took them a week and this time it takes 3 months. :rolleyes: 3.1 has been out 4 days there have already been a few threads on when will it come out. again Dev team is not paid. I presume they have jobs and lives. just relax a JB will be out when it comes out every time they do a JB they are rewriting the firmware they have to make sure it is very stable so they don't f up your phone. I guessing 1 jb will be out soon but only when the Dev team feels it is stable and safe.
PwnageTool has never been released for Windows. You will have to get a friend or neighbor with a mac to create a custom ipsw for you, or you may be able to use one posted on the Internet.
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