Will someone please please please make an iPhone/iPad app that is a .DWG viewer?
As a Project Manager in the construction industry, I can tell you there is an extremely high demand for an app that does this function.
To be clear, I do NOT care about making my own CAD drawings. I simply want to be able to have an architect email me a drawing in .DWG format that I can look at in the field. I cannot express how valuable this is to almost all upper management and field management in the construction industry. There is a huge, untapped, market here!! Viewing blueprints on an iPad would be fantastic! Autodesk has been sitting on their thumbs for 3 years now.
This is certainly an app that can make some good sales in the business industry. With OS4.0 coming this summer to enhance the iPhone for the business enterprise, why not ride Apple's coat tail and get to this market before the other developers? I believe the first .DWG viewer for the iPad will sell very well, as long as it is a solid, functional app.
As a Project Manager in the construction industry, I can tell you there is an extremely high demand for an app that does this function.
To be clear, I do NOT care about making my own CAD drawings. I simply want to be able to have an architect email me a drawing in .DWG format that I can look at in the field. I cannot express how valuable this is to almost all upper management and field management in the construction industry. There is a huge, untapped, market here!! Viewing blueprints on an iPad would be fantastic! Autodesk has been sitting on their thumbs for 3 years now.
This is certainly an app that can make some good sales in the business industry. With OS4.0 coming this summer to enhance the iPhone for the business enterprise, why not ride Apple's coat tail and get to this market before the other developers? I believe the first .DWG viewer for the iPad will sell very well, as long as it is a solid, functional app.