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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 21, 2009
So I've been trolling these boards for a while now, gleaned some extremely useful information. but now I've run across a problem that, as a newbie iPhone user Need some clairifaction on.

I Jailbroke my phone last week, and I've played around with a ton of different apps from Cydia. Winterboard causes issues, sbssettings is sweeet, SpringJump locked my device. but I wanted to send MMS messages. so I installed activatemms3g. And it did the eternal apple logo loop, I let it sit for about 3 hours to make sure I wasn't being impatient, but as it turns out I'll need to do a DFU restore. I found a website of how to do this, and installing iTunes on my PC at work is no problem, my concern is if I restore it here at work. When my main back up is at home. Will I risk losing my contacts? My pictures I already have and is no big deal, but I do not think I have an updated copy of my contacts at my office.
You'll lose all your contacts, since they're on your computer at home. It would be better to just wait until you get home IMO. BTW, the contacts are not stored on your SIM card, if you were wondering.
Thanks, At least I'll know how old it is. I don't think I've backed it up since I jail broke it. which it's been a week so no big deal
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