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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2012
Hi everybody,

during the keynote yesterday there was one slide mentioning new dictionaries in the dictionary app.

Can somebody tell me what the source/database of the German dictionary is? (This should be mentioned in the setting of the app.)

For example the US dictionary uses the "New Oxford American Dictionary 3rd edition © 2010 by Oxford University Press, Inc" as it's source.

Thank you very much
It's the Duden: “Duden Dictionary Data Set I (DDDS-I) Copyright © 2011 Bibiliographisches Institut GmbH, under licence to Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.”

Here’s an example: „Scha|den|freu|de, die |Schadenfreude|
boshafte Freude über den Misserfolg, das Unglück anderer
Schadenfreude empfinden“

So you get information about where to put your hyphens, a definition (several, if there are), the grammatical gender and usage examples. That’s very similar to what you find when searching the Duden online, only the description text is slightly different for this particular word. (The data set might be slightly older in Mountain Lion, I don’t know.)
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Thank you very much for your quick reply.

That sounds fantastic!
what about french?

I noticed they mentioned Chinese, German and Spanish, but did they just forget to mention french, or will there not be a french dictionary in Mountain Lion?
I have Mountain Lion and the Spanish Dictionary is "Diccionario General de la Lengua Española Vox, 2nd edition
Copyright © 2011 Larousse Editorial, S.L., under licence to Oxford University Press. All rights reserved."

An example definition: "caca
nombre femenino
1 infantil Excremento: me crié, como todos los niños, con teta y moco, lágrimas y caca, besos y papilla; muchas mañanas, cuando sale del portal de su casa, lo primero que hace es pisar una caca de perro; la jaula estaba llena de cacas de pájaro.
2 infantil Se usa con los niños y entre ellos para designar cualquier cosa sucia o que no se quiere que se toque o se coma: no toques eso, que es caca.
3 coloquial Cosa mal hecha o de mala calidad: esta radio es una caca."

Sadly there's no French dictionary.
I have Mountain Lion and the Spanish Dictionary is "Diccionario General de la Lengua Española Vox, 2nd edition
Copyright © 2011 Larousse Editorial, S.L., under licence to Oxford University Press. All rights reserved."

An example definition: "caca
nombre femenino
1 infantil Excremento: me crié, como todos los niños, con teta y moco, lágrimas y caca, besos y papilla; muchas mañanas, cuando sale del portal de su casa, lo primero que hace es pisar una caca de perro; la jaula estaba llena de cacas de pájaro.
2 infantil Se usa con los niños y entre ellos para designar cualquier cosa sucia o que no se quiere que se toque o se coma: no toques eso, que es caca.
3 coloquial Cosa mal hecha o de mala calidad: esta radio es una caca."

Sadly there's no French dictionary.

I have Mountain Lion now too, but thanks for looking up anyway. The Spanish dictionary will definitely be useful, but I was hoping they would use "La Real Academia Española", as I find their definitions to be more concise and to the point. I hope iOS 6 gets a Spanish dictionary as well, since it's so easy and useful to get definitions without leaving the app.

I also hope iOS 6 gets a French dictionary. I think I saw something about it in WWDC 2012 keynote. I have Larousse app, which is great because I can get definitions, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, etc. But it will be awesome if I could get a definition anywhere without having to leave the app.

Still, I find it odd that Mountain Lion includes a Spanish dictionary but not dictation and a French dictation but no dictionary.
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