I have a week 7 MBP 15 inch 2.0 GHz with the following issues:
*screen-brightness dependent buzz (faulty screen inverter?)
*CPU whine (problem with logicboard?)
*suddenly dropping airport connections (don't know source)
*right speaker faulty during iChat.
*some areas becoming very hot (misapplication of thermal paste?)
I haven't sent the laptop in because of various stories of people getting them back after 2 weeks with scratches but nothing fixed. So I'm starting this poll to get an overview of how well Apple Care is doing their job. If you have the time, please specify, which (if any) of the issues you had with your MBP got fixed when you sent yours in.
*screen-brightness dependent buzz (faulty screen inverter?)
*CPU whine (problem with logicboard?)
*suddenly dropping airport connections (don't know source)
*right speaker faulty during iChat.
*some areas becoming very hot (misapplication of thermal paste?)
I haven't sent the laptop in because of various stories of people getting them back after 2 weeks with scratches but nothing fixed. So I'm starting this poll to get an overview of how well Apple Care is doing their job. If you have the time, please specify, which (if any) of the issues you had with your MBP got fixed when you sent yours in.