A couple days ago I purchased a Seagate 320gb Hard Drive (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16822148140) and an i-rocks IR-9300-SL 3.5'' USB2.0 External Enclosure (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817250003).
Will the hard drive I purchased work in the enclosure? I have no idea what the difference is between SATA, UltraATA, PATA etc., but I tried really hard to get what would be compatable...Could someone verify?
I spent under $130 shipped for this combo. Good deal? Bad deal?
Will the hard drive I purchased work in the enclosure? I have no idea what the difference is between SATA, UltraATA, PATA etc., but I tried really hard to get what would be compatable...Could someone verify?
I spent under $130 shipped for this combo. Good deal? Bad deal?