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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 10, 2009
Woke up two days ago and screen on my 3Gs was just milky white and was unresponsive to any input. Rebooted, all good. Today, my home screen rendered and then was not able to "slide to unlock" or anything else for that matter. Reboot, fine.

Either of these two things and the remedy is no biggie, what worries me is the proximity of these two events to each other. Is my screen slowly deteriorating? Did I get a lemon?

How long do I have before I can justify a swap if problems persist? I bought the phone June 24th...or in that vacanity. :rolleyes:

The problem is you have to have it acting up when you take it in. Chances are they will just keep telling you to reboot. At least that's what I get told. It wasn't until parts of my screen were unresponsive that Apple did anything. Anything that can be contributed to software is over looked as a "non-defect issue".
I have lately had a few times when slide to unlock was completely unresponsive. I'm waiting for OS 3.1 to come out before I decide if it's a hardware or software problem, though. As thing now stand, the slider becomes responive again after a delay.
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