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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 16, 2009
... at the Apple Store. They gave me full credit, no restocking fee. Actually they went above and beyond - because of the weather they were supposed to close at 1:00 this afternoon but they stayed open for me and a few others. I had a 1:40 appt, and that's when I got there. Took around 10 minutes to get it all handled.

I'm back to the 24" 2.16, and I did a fresh install of everything, no Time Machine. Everything is running pretty snappy so I'll probably get another year or so out of this machine.

Sure do miss that big(ger) screen tho...
Your 24 inch is still a good mac. Mine is still running flawless running tiger. Apple really got a black eye on the 27 inch iMac. Considered getting one but decided to hold off. Glad I did. I think everyone who had at least 2 returns should have demanded a full refund to get apples attention. Seems like they are turning into dell selling problematic computers lately. Good call returning yours.
Yep you have a great machine still. I'm back on my 2.4 Core 2 Duo 20 with extra 20 screen, and I'm not missing the i7 very much. Actually my neck hurts me less with this setup.

For day to day tasks, these C2D machines aren't that slow either. It's video converting that makes you notice the Quads, and I don't do that much anymore.
It's been 2 weeks now with the 24" and I don't find myself missing the 27" very often. Yeah, less onscreen real estate, but it's just as fast as the 27" was. In some cases it's faster because I loaded everything onto the 24" fresh, as opposed to using Time Machine to load the 27".

Eventually we'll go with a new iMac, but maybe they'll make a 27" matte display by then. There is just no glare on this display at all :)

It's been 2 weeks now with the 24" and I don't find myself missing the 27" very often. Yeah, less onscreen real estate, but it's just as fast as the 27" was. In some cases it's faster because I loaded everything onto the 24" fresh, as opposed to using Time Machine to load the 27".

Eventually we'll go with a new iMac, but maybe they'll make a 27" matte display by then. There is just no glare on this display at all :)


Not trying to come off as being mean, but what was the point of you bumping this thread just to remind us that you're happy with your existing 24"? Sounds like you're trying to make yourself feel good about returning your 27". :p

Not sure the reason for the post? Unless you are looking for validation. Either way, sounds like the reason for your upgrade to an i7 was more want than need anyway, so you probably made the right choice and will get a few more years of service out of your current iMac.

Me on the other hand, my iMac has been flawless in operation, and the i7 has saved me lots of time in the ripping, conversion, and multi tasking department, so it was certainly worthwhile. Why buy what you don't need?

Not sure the reason for the post? Unless you are looking for validation. Either way, sounds like the reason for your upgrade to an i7 was more want than need anyway, so you probably made the right choice and will get a few more years of service out of your current iMac.

Me on the other hand, my iMac has been flawless in operation, and the i7 has saved me lots of time in the ripping, conversion, and multi tasking department, so it was certainly worthwhile. Why buy what you don't need?


My sentiments exactly.
To the "why posters": you could look at it as a positive retail experience. With everyone complaining about Apple's handling of the 27" imac, this was at least an amicable resolution.
Rub it in. Mines been delayed to 3.5 more weeks...
I'll try to be gracious: Conrats ;)


Not sure the reason for the post? Unless you are looking for validation. Either way, sounds like the reason for your upgrade to an i7 was more want than need anyway, so you probably made the right choice and will get a few more years of service out of your current iMac.

Me on the other hand, my iMac has been flawless in operation, and the i7 has saved me lots of time in the ripping, conversion, and multi tasking department, so it was certainly worthwhile. Why buy what you don't need?

I have to say I'm baffled by whats-the-point-of-this-post responses.
There doesn't have to be a point. It's the Internet.

Not sure the reason for the post? Unless you are looking for validation. Either way, sounds like the reason for your upgrade to an i7 was more want than need anyway, so you probably made the right choice and will get a few more years of service out of your current iMac.

I had an i7? Really? Would've sworn I had a C2D, but oh well, okay. :rolleyes:

Now to clue in all you folks who are asking the reason for my post - it's called a followup. I could've said something along the lines of "OMG how I miss my 27" C2D!" and I doubt that anyone would ask why I was posting... but I didn't. Sorry.

We really do want to upgrade, just not now. In the meantime we have the 24", 2 MacBooks, 2 iPhones and numerous iPods. We'll get by :)
Wow, some tossers in this thread.

Good to hear about your experience. I've been thinking about doing the same with my C2D.

Buzzing CPU fan. Flickering screen when it gets too hot. Froze on me yesterday when I had a bunch of stuff open for work. Kinda bites when I sit down to do WORK on the computer, it dies. Yet for mindless web browsing, it's fine, but not why I purchased this machine.
Me on the other hand, my iMac has been flawless in operation, and the i7 has saved me lots of time in the ripping, conversion, and multi tasking department, so it was certainly worthwhile.Why buy what you don't need?

Probably because he's a human being living in a free state who makes a wage that he can do with as he pleases. If he wants to buy 1000lbs of instant mashed potatoes and make a replica of Mt. Kilimanjaro ala 'Close Encounters' he can without you questioning it. Life is short, I think the real question is: Why not buy what you don't need?
Buzzing CPU fan. Flickering screen when it gets too hot. Froze on me yesterday when I had a bunch of stuff open for work. Kinda bites when I sit down to do WORK on the computer, it dies. Yet for mindless web browsing, it's fine, but not why I purchased this machine.

It's flickering and freezing and you haven't taken it back yet??

How is a machine that freezes, flickers, buzzes and dies good for web browsing, mindless or otherwise?

I would have sent that machine back to Apple the moment it started displaying such symptoms.
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