hi. not sure if it is static electricity, but sometimes my imac 27 if i pass both hands on side or top i feel A LOTTTT of static electricity. even putting my hand on a metal surface to make a s.elect. discharge won't stop it. should this be the cause of the flickering?
I haven't noticed such on mine, and you won't notice it if you follow these steps:
a. Don't wear synthetic garments (jackets, shirts, underwear, pants. socks, etc.) around the house.
b. Take your socks off a few minutes before you sit in front of the computer.
c. When you sit in front of the computer, keep your feet in contact with the floor (rug, tiles, etc.)
What you may be doing is charging your body with static electricity, and then discharging it to ground through your computer. Wearing shoes, socks, etc., keeps you isolated from the floor. Your computer is grounded through the power cord, and when you get your fingers near the screen, the static electricity takes its closest path to ground through the cord. Dry indoors air also contributes to building static electricity.
Have you ever discharged static electricity on the light switch in your home? The static electricity is being discharged out your fingers to the nearest grounded object. This is quite a shocking experience

I have been asked by customers to check their light switches because every time they touch them they get shocked. The first thing I tell them is to walk barefooted for awhile before they touch the light switch, and then to call me if they get shocked. They don't call back, of course.