After updating again, I still cannot log in.
cant login, deleted, reinstalled cant login :\
biteSMS installed? I updated and all I got were error messages. Deleted the app, re-downloaded, and now I can't log in.
sbsettings/Mobilesubstrate/turn bitesmssb -> off
I've had no problems with the two updates i installed today.
For people with problems, were you logged into Facebook prior to installing the update or logged out?
sbsettings/Mobilesubstrate/turn bitesmssb -> off
Same thing:
I was logged in: "could not open page".
Logged out: "cannot connect"
Deleted and reinstalled: "cannot connect"
Jailbreaked with biteSMS.
Where do I do this?
Both. If your logged in, you just get error messages on every page. If your logged out, you can't log in.
But, I have biteSMS installed. I don't know if theres any issues with it for the people without jailbroken phones.
The reason i ask is i updated facebook a while back when I wasn't logged in and had the same problems. Prior to that I installed logged in and it went smoothly.
Maybe bitesms is conflicted with facbooks push in some manner?
And that makes it work?
Hmm.. I hope either facebook or biteSMS releases some patch...
Yeah it works but I don't see how it would effect Facebook in any way. Facebook isn't going to fix a jail break problem. And I really don't know if biteSMS can do anything about it.
Yeah it worked... but what good is biteSMS now.
Like I said in a above post, it's basically useless.
Like I said in a above post, it's basically useless.
I've had no problems with the two updates i installed today.
For people with problems, were you logged into Facebook prior to installing the update or logged out?
Don't bother trying to help them. They're only having problems because they have jailbroken phones.