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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 12, 2011
anyone know if they fixed the keyboard yet on the iphones? Or if there is a way to use a standard keyboard layout instead of a morphing one?

The morphing keyboard is probably the most annoying bug these past few years, having the keyboard layout constantly change leads to massive amounts of typos, and that coupled with the worst spell check results in so much unnecessary re-editing or poor content.

For those unclear what i am talking about - it’s the bug they introduced in iOS 10 the results in the iPhones keyboards constantly and unpredictably changing on you...many people don’t notice it but do Realize that they seem to have a lot more typos now then they ever did back before ios10. What is happening is the bug causes the keyboard layout to shift depending on the time of day and other random conditions.

If you look closely, you will see that it’s not you making the mistakes, the keyboard relocates the letters... to see the bug, look where the “A” letter is on the keyboard, then move around apps and web pages, between messenger, safari, mail, etc... you will find “A” is in a different location in every app and website... some times it’s where caps lock is, sometimes it moves to where “S” is, other times it’s up higher...

A physical keyboard doesn’t morph- why would the iOS keyboard morph?
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macrumors 68000
Apr 15, 2005
Houston, Texas
I noticed I made a lot more typos on my iPhone X and XS than my older phones. Now and then when I use an iPhone 8 at work I feel like I make a lot less typos. With the 8 I can pretty much type without looking and be 98% correct. Was the iOS keyboard really changing? I never realized it if it was. I haven't used 13 enough yet to know whether it's happening there but I can let you know.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 12, 2011
Yes it really does go through changes, I estimate 20+ layout variations that randomly pop up, and besides the major deliberate ones like number pad layout when it senses a zip code entry field, most are minor variations in letter location, and sizing. So when you do speed typing without looking you will have lots of typos. With so many changes, it destroys muscled memory. It blows my mind it’s been years of this and nothing done, not even an accessibility option to disable morphing keyboards

I have had the X & XS for past two years, so maybe the bug is specific to those models and not iOS? I haven’t used a Touch ID model in a long time.



macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2012
It’s not so much that the keyboard morphs, but it has to do with screen resolution compatibility. If you use an app on one of the newer phones that’s designed for the native resolution of the new phone then it will use the newest iOS keyboard. If you use an older app that doesn’t support the native resolution of the new phone, then it uses an older style keyboard that is slightly different than the new keyboard. If you have a lot of older apps that you use then I can see how this could get to be annoying.
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