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Did you get apple care?

  • Yes: Mac Pro 7,1

    Votes: 26 45.6%
  • Yes: Pro Display XDR

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes: For both

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • No I didn’t

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • I don’t own either but still want to participate.

    Votes: 10 17.5%

  • Total voters


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 24, 2006
Los Angeles
With the ability to change the cpu,voiding the warranty, and other massive modular upgrades, I’m interested in knowing who went with Apple Care for their Mac Pro 7,1 and pro display.
For the record my vote was "no" but I am seriously considering it getting it. So take it as a half-no ^^

On that note, what's the cost of AppleCare on the Mac Pro?
Yes , I did .

And I probably already voided it by so heavily upgrading and modding my Mac .

But I have only bought two brand new retail Macs Apple Computers in my life .

My Apple IIe in 1983 .

And my Mac Pro 7,1 in 2019 .

And purchased AppleCare for both .

I have never had the need to actually use the warranty .

Weird . But when you plunk down some serious coin for a flagship 'puter , the extended warranty just somehow gets added to the invoice .

Did you know the Apple II only had a standard 90 day warranty ?
I was 7 when I got an Apple ][, bit older by the time the //e came out, no clue what my parents paid for, but I'm pretty sure adding soldered in shift-key mod for ][, and NMI switch -- and burning new ROM for enhanced character set they introduced post //c -- for //e voided whatever warranty existed, but I never needed them.

When you're paying $20K for hardware, why would you possibly not add $200-$300 for AppleCare to extend warranty from 1yr to 3yrs?

FWIW I've purchased MANY Shiny Things from Apple over the decades, and always get AppleCare. I have only ever needed it for laptops, iPads, iPhones, ya know, stuff that gets dropped because gravity, or goes through the washing machine because whoops, I'm multi-tasking, super-busy and forgot. Since iPhone X, washing machine doesn't kill iPhones, 'cuz I've tested that twice so far without intending to; nothing dramatic happens.

Mac Pro... if it shows up and works, and keeps working for a week or two, then I fully expect it to stay working for another decade.

Out of dozens of Apple purchases, I think 100% of computers were still working when I passed them on, or retired them. Laptops and iCrap, not so much. On the flipside the iCrap sure does make my stock go up and pays for my Mac Pro, and house, and cars, ad nauseam. Go iCrap, it's ShInY, reVolution4ry, and magical!

Dear Apple: I used Mac Pro as boat anchor and now it Won't Go. The system I'm bringing in resembles the computer you sold me, not at all. Just overlook all changes and please fix. Tnx!
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On one hand: I've never had a desktop Mac hardware failure save for bad third-party RAM. On the other: AppleCare is such a low proportional cost of the entire system, and it's a first-gen Apple product. I figure better safe than sorry.
No. I've been buying Macs since my 1st Mac Plus back in 1986. I've never needed it and hope my luck holds out.

Yes. Cheap insurance

Yes, cheap insurance indeed!

I've bought Apple Care with all my Apple Laptops, iMacs and Mac Pros and when I had to use it, it paid for itself in just one go.

Oddly, the apple care for the XDR costs more than the MP that costs nearly 4 times the price (for my configuration)!!!
Oddly, the apple care for the XDR costs more than the MP that costs nearly 4 times the price (for my configuration)!!!

Apple must think the display is a higher risk, thats the only thing that makes sense.

I purchased Apple Care for both and hope I don't need to use them.
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In Belgium Apple only sells AppleCare, not Applecare+ [for all of their products]
There is no way to add Applecare for the XDR, neither at the time of purchase, nor now.

Way back in the day, a display would be covered if you bought it with a system, not sure if that still counts out here or not (probably not, I can't register the XDRs anyway)
In Belgium Apple only sells AppleCare, not Applecare+ [for all of their products]
There is no way to add Applecare for the XDR, neither at the time of purchase, nor now.

Way back in the day, a display would be covered if you bought it with a system, not sure if that still counts out here or not (probably not, I can't register the XDRs anyway)

Same thing goes in many other countries due to insurance law. Initially Apple can't sell AppleCare+ in where I'm from, but later on they just find a insurance company to do it in their name, so it's called AppleCare+, but the contract actually says it's AIG's insurance plan.
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Pot odds. No brainer - Apple Care a must for anything first gen. Especially something worth this much.
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Yeah, I’m thinking about Also adding AppleCare to my Nano Pro Display XDR. I would hate for the cleaners to come in and accidentally destroy the screen.
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In australia, by law it will has 2 year warranty, plus i have businesses insurance which can cover accidentally damage all the life cycle.
In australia, by law it will has 2 year warranty, plus i have businesses insurance which can cover accidentally damage all the life cycle.
It’s not so much the cost of repair but the service of repair. Even after three years Apple will prioritise anyone with Apple Care. Sure our insurers will reimburse us the repair cost but they can’t make Apple do things quicker or immediately replace a unit which Apple Care will do.
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